arrow crab


New Member
Just seen an arrow crab @ LFS, awesome looking critter. Interested in their compatibility specifically with fish, other crabs, and shrimps. Known that that don't do well with members of their same species, prefer bristle worms for food and will take advantage of feather dusters ( I have none ) but I am concerned about my cleaner shrimp & emerald crabs. This guy was large - six (6") inch circumference leg to leg when standing - awesome looking critter.

mr . salty

Active Member
I have had one in my tank for over a year,and have noticed no problems with it.He doesn't seem to bother anything in the tank,including the small hermits...They are very interesting to watch,especially around dinner time...Mine will have a piece of food in each claw,and one in his mouth.What a pig...


Active Member
Arrow crabs will feed on small fish when they reach a certain size. I had one for almost year like mentioned above, no problems, and then just out of the blue it started attacking fish and had to be gotten rid of. I had the same experience with a coral banded shrimp, fine for over a year and then it ate a 2 year old Rainfords Gobie. They work great for bristle worm control when young, and should be fine as long as there are no slow moving fish in the tank, but I would keep an eye on it cause you never know.


New Member
Arrow crabs are interesting. But should be avoided if you are going for a live dsb. You can read more about this on *******. Dr. Ron Shimek wrote about how they disrupt the sand fauna.
[ September 18, 2001: Message edited by: MR . SALTY ]


i dont know about anyone else, but i hate those things. one of my friends had one. He had it for about a month and it is a monster now! it huge, and eats anything, although his like to have a diet of hermit crabs and the occasional snail. its cool while its small, but the big ones can wreak havoc on a reef. but, thats just my personal expirience.


My arrow crab is the first to eat anything that dies. I have pics of mine with a bristle worm he caught on the arrow crab page on my website. On my coral banded shrimp I have pics of my arrow crab eating him right after he died.


Active Member
Actually your Arrow crab probably killed your CBS, they will fight to the death when housed together :)


New Member
It doesn't sound like an arrow crab is such a good idea, especailly one as large as seen @ the lfs for sale. Thanks for all the help and it is much appreciated - money saved knowledge gained.


Originally posted by ADRON420:
<STRONG>Actually your Arrow crab probably killed your CBS, they will fight to the death when housed together :)</STRONG>
When I put the CBS in he didn't look good so I played that off due to the change he was going through. He moved to the other side of the tank about an hour later and then in another 1/2 hour he was dead. I don't know if the arrow crab did kill him but I personally dont' think he did. Arrow crab is kinda slow. CBS just wasn't meant to be in my tank.


Active Member
Yeah sounds like he wasnt in great shape when you got him :( Good thing though because they both feed on similar things, ex. bristle worms, and will kill each other in all but the the largest tanks. Mad Dog, if you can get a small one they work great for bristle worms, and are neat to watch, but they are not trustworthy and when large can cause serious problems.