arrow crab


My friend just bought me an arrow crab.. My tank is in the 2nd week of cycling and the crab appears to be doing well on the LR.. Should I know anything about these critters..
Do they bother the fish once I get them?


I had one in an old tank and he went after every shrimp I had. Maybe he was just a bad seed but after I watched him murder a CBS and two peps it was time for him to return to the live rock at the LFS. Hope yours doesn't do the same.Good luck.


Active Member
Arrow crabs are commonly agressive. They will eat shrimp and fish if they can catch them. IMO its hit and miss, sometimes they will eat other inhabitants in your tank, then sometimes they won't bother them. I had two large arrows before that would try to go after my fish every so often, he never caught anybody though but I still got rid of mine. I think they are ok when they are small, but when they get too big then you better get them out.


Active Member
Robbie, I'm quite concerned about that the tank is just in its second week of cycling... I may be wrong but arrow crabs are very sensitive to nitrates (also ammonia, but more to nitrate)...
Also, I would give him a food source like shrimp pellets or something because I don't think the tank is going to have the nutrition he needs.