Arrow head crab


New Member
I have just set up my first salt tank and love it. All of my sand, rock, water and fish came from my cousins tank. He had bristle worms and didn't know it, and now I have them and a lot of them. I have a six line wrasse that does a good job of keeping the rock clean but not the sand bed. Is an arrowhead crab my best bet for getting rid of the worms?


Active Member
I wouldn't get an arrow crab, they can kill fish, I had one who ate any small fish i put in my tank.


the bristleworms should be cosidered part of a good cleanup crew in my opinion, unless they are infesting your tank...very few are actually bad..JMO


Active Member
My question about Arrow Crabs is how do they know which fish is your favorite or costs the most because that's always the first ones they eat.


Active Member
Originally Posted by xDave
My question about Arrow Crabs is how do they know which fish is your favorite or costs the most because that's always the first ones they eat.

Murphy's Arrow Crab Academy