Active Member
Hey, I'm still waiting for a couple of components of my tank to be in place before I start getting my fish and corals, and one of the most important involves feeding. I want to give my fish the best available food I can provide, and IMO this means supplementing their diets with such items as BS and ZooPlankton. I also plan on starting up my Clownfish Hatchery, and they'll need Rotifers and BS during their early stages of development. It's been awhile since the last time I did this, and since then I have taken down my Rotifer cultures, which have always been in a sorry state, and are now totally useless. I really want to be able to setup a culture/hatchery system that will allow me to raise BS, Rotifers, and ZooPlankton regularly without interruption. So, does anyone have any plans or schematics out there that would help me, or if you could just point me in the right direction I would be greatly appreciative.