Article 1, section 8


Active Member
Originally Posted by GeriDoc
Amazing what a little dyslexia can do you to . Thanks for the correction.
Considering the symptoms of dyslexia you'd think they would come up with a less confusing word for it


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
I was channel surfing, and I see Limbaugh being interviewed by Greta What's Her Name. He of course is railing about Obama's healthcare bill, and Greta stops him and asks. "So, what would you do?" Limbaugh looked at her with this deer in the headlights look and said, "Uh...." Fortunately I stopped laughing long enough to hear the rest of his solution. "We have the best health insurance in the world. Americans get the best care, and don't go anywhere else for services. Americans don't go to Cuba or England for healthcare. We don't need all these fancy services that are provided in today's healthcare system. The only insurance the government should provide is catostrophic insurance. I think insurance costs should be the same as when you go to a hotel. You want to stay at the Ritz? You pay those prices. If you can only afford Motel 6, then that's the kind of service you get. Americans have been spoiled with all these coverages they recieve with these insurance policies that cover everything. If you have a cold or need a physical, pay for that yourself out of your own pocket. You don't need insurance for those services...."
Has this guy ever gone to a doctor in his life? Let's see, I just went a few months ago for an annual checkup and physical. Being over 50, it's recommended I get the old Prostate Test (ugh), then I need full blood work to check my PSA, Cholesterol, thryoid, etc. I got the 'pre-insurance' bill, and the total cost was $680 ($60 - office visit, $200 - annual physical, blood work - $420). I'd also like to see this doctor's office, clinic, or hospital that had 'Motel 6' prices. So this is the Great Conservative Messiah you're waiting for to take us out of what you call Obama H-e- double hockey sticks?

I heard the Limburger talking about health coverage a while back and he was promoting having just the catastrophic insurance and pay as you go for everything else.
He has a valid point on it. Plastic surgery is almost never covered by insurance and the costs for those procedures hasn't increase anything like regular medical care over the last 30 years or so. I did a few hours in the ER a few years ago and there was a little confusion about insurance coverage. When they thought I didn't have insurance they offered to settle out my 2300.00
medical bill for about 700.00. WTH is up with that?
That is what Limbaugh was talking about. He pays cash and negotiates a low price for his procedures. I somehow don't see about 95% of people having the ability to negotiate the price, let alone have the fiscal discipline to save what they would be spending on insurance so they could pay.
Insurance in general is pure socialism. I had insurance coverage pretty much non stop from the time I was in my early 20's and I bet one year's premiums would have paid for all the medical costs I incurred during that whole time had I just paid cash for my treatments. Sure the insurance co made money but a large portion of what I paid went to help cover what the insurance had to pay out for someone with cancer or a heart bypass.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
Fine. You want your highways and roads updated and repaired? Fix them yourself. Make sure you have a REAL good State militia. You won't be receiving any protection from the Army, Navy, Air Force, or Marines. Got military bases in your state? Not anymore. Better find a way to keep your elderly healthy and provide them some type of income. Say goodbye to Medicare/Medicaid and Social Security.
Reading comprehension issues?
Read the tenth. It basically says the Government isn't just allowed to assume they have powers not delegated to them in the constitution. Providing for an army etc. is specifically laid out in the constitution. Most roads are maintained by the states now. The feds maintain the interstates and some state roads but they also collect taxes within the states on gasoline, tires, motor oil etc. to fund the work.

darthtang aw

Active Member

Originally Posted by bionicarm
The House Bill is only one of many proposals on this healthcare plan. If you bothered to read the article, it even states that the bill is still up for debate and further amendments. Nothing is etched in stone. Considering the Senate announced today that they won't even touch this reform before the end of August, the whole thing is dead until this fall (which ticks me off that they get some useless 3 month vacation while this important and controversial legislature goes 'dormant' as usual).
Let's say this did get passed debate and pushed to the Senate. Here's the part of the proposed House Bill that you have your panties all in a bind about
Employer responsibility. The proposal builds on the employer-sponsored coverage that exists today. Employers will have the option of providing health insurance coverage for their workers or contributing funds on their behalf. Employers that choose to contribute will pay an amount based on eight percent of their payroll. Employers that choose to offer coverage must meet minimum benefit and contribution requirements specified in the proposal.
Assistance for small employers. Recognizing the special needs of small businesses, the smallest businesses (payroll that does not exceed $250,000) are exempt from the employer responsibility requirement. The payroll penalty would then phase in starting at 2% for firms with annual payrolls over $250,000 rising to the full 8 percent penalty for firms with annual payrolls above $400,000. In addition, a new small business tax credit will be available for those firms who want to provide health coverage to their workers. In addition to the targeted assistance, the Exchange and market reforms provide a long-sought opportunity for small businesses to benefit from a more organized, efficient marketplace in which to purchase coverage.
Based on these formulas, most small businesses who pay their employees $10 or less will be exempt from this 'penalty' or even providing health coverage. It would put a dent in my bottom line, but it's something I can deal with. Not to mention, it states there will be a 'small business tax credit' availble if I do have to contribute. Knowing what I know about other tax credits I've received, I may actually make money on the deal.

You seem to be stuck on the assumption that this House Bill is the defacto bill for the entire healthcare plan. It's only one proposal of many. Reading the article, this is the Senate's version of the employer-assisted part:
The HELP Committee bill will require businesses with 25 employees or more to offer health insurance or pay a fee (currently slated at $750 a year per full-time worker) to the federal government. Individuals would be required to obtain coverage.
So based on the Senate version, it wouldn't apply to me. Even if it did apply, $750/year per employee is chump change to the benefits I get in return - healthy and satified employees that won't walk on me when a bigger company can provide them the healthcare they need.
Bottom line, everything is still up for debate. If Obama gets his way, this controversy will be moot point. He wants to use subsidies and tax credits that already exist to pay for 2/3rds of the plan. The other 1/3rd will come from individuals who make more than $280K/year by reducing their tax exemptions. You just keep on fuming about PROPOSAL'S. I'll wait until the FINAL bill is etched in stone and sent to Obama to sign before I pass anymore judgements on it.

You don't really get it do you? Stop and try to see what my point is. Let me breakdown into a mantra your liberal mind can be receptive to.
CEOs and business owners are evil. They only care about their bottomline and that they keep raking in the money. If government imposes a new "tax" or forces them to pay for healthcare costs of each employee t 72% of the bill you WILL see unemployment climb. No if, nd, or buts. It will happen. Why? Because the business owner will lay off people to compensate for the added costs. If the raise their prices to compensate for it, the corporations (think walmart) will run the small guy out of business as they will not be competative anymore. Thus forcing them to lay off people due to lost business.....
MY problem with this, at this place in time, is not the socialized medicine aspect, not the government intervention, or the taking from the "wealthy" to prop up the poor., It is the simple fact we are in a recession and going to be for a long while. By doing this during such times you will prolong the recession and double unemployment.


Active Member
I have even more examples of why insurance is so high. A few months ago I had the windshield replaced in my truck. I called around to get estimates. They give you one price for cash and another higher price, much higher for insurance.
I just had my roof replaced due to the hail from the tornado we had near here in june. I have a 1000.00 deductible and the roofing company ate half of it. The insurance company knows they do this. The insurance rep told me they will claim they had extra work they didn't see at the time the adjuster looked at the roof blah blah blah and bill for more than the original estimate was. I asked her if they called the homeowner to see if the additional work was really done and she said it was cheaper just to pay the extra as long as it wasn't a large amount. SHe said the roofing companies were pretty good at knowing what they could add to the bill and getting it without a fight.
3rd example was when I had a "special" shoe made following my car wreck in 2000. They had to place a foam insert under the insole of the shoe to make up for the fact my left leg was now about 1/2" shorter than the other. They charged the insurance 380.00 just for the shoes, Asics which aren't cheap but 380.00. I asked the guy about it and he said the insurance co wouldn't pay full price on the shoes so he bumped the price a little. I did a little checking and the same shoes were being sold at Sport mart for just over 90 bux at the time.
Oh and my favorite, everyone has heard about the 5 dollar aspirin, how about the 2.50 tums. When I was in the hospital they were billing 2.50 each for my "calcium supplement". They were just a plain tums tablet. I watched them take them out of the package, I even asked if they were just regular Tums and they were.
It is pretty obvious the system is broken and needs to be fixed but just having the government take over will just add the medicare horror stories to the type I listed above.


Active Member
Originally Posted by GeriDoc
Except for where it says "general welfare" which could be interpreted to refer to the general welfare of the citizenry, including their health.

"promote the general welfare" NOT "provide for the general welfare".
Obama's supposed to "provide for the common defense", not "promote the common defense".
Is the "regressive" tax that takes a higher percentage just because you make more equal protection as mandated in the Constitution?
Is the "millionaire surcharge" Constitutional?
Why are we punished for living the American dream?


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by oscardeuce
"promote the general welfare" NOT "provide for the general welfare".
Obama's supposed to "provide for the common defense", not "promote the common defense".
Is the "regressive" tax that takes a higher percentage just because you make more equal protection as mandated in the Constitution?
Is the "millionaire surcharge" Constitutional?
Why are we punished for living the American dream?
Would you believe that Adam Smith said that it was right to pay more if you benefit more from the society.


Active Member
Yeah but the millionaires already pay a huge potion of income taxes. I don't have a problem with those who earn more pay more but at some point you gotta say fair is fair. Bill gates probably pays more taxes in a year than any of use will earn in a lifetime.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
You don't really get it do you? Stop and try to see what my point is. Let me breakdown into a mantra your liberal mind can be receptive to.
CEOs and business owners are evil. They only care about their bottomline and that they keep raking in the money. If government imposes a new "tax" or forces them to pay for healthcare costs of each employee t 72% of the bill you WILL see unemployment climb. No if, nd, or buts. It will happen. Why? Because the business owner will lay off people to compensate for the added costs. If the raise their prices to compensate for it, the corporations (think walmart) will run the small guy out of business as they will not be competative anymore. Thus forcing them to lay off people due to lost business.....
MY problem with this, at this place in time, is not the socialized medicine aspect, not the government intervention, or the taking from the "wealthy" to prop up the poor., It is the simple fact we are in a recession and going to be for a long while. By doing this during such times you will prolong the recession and double unemployment.

I understand what you're saying. What I'm saying is there are multiple bills out there floating around, and everyone is throwing their suggestions in the hat to see if their proposals can be used to pay for this healthcare plan. Everyone is stuck on the bill that the House presented. It's not the defacto bill. Like I said, Obama want to use subsidies and tax incentives for the insurance companies to pay for 2/3rds of it, and reduce tax exemptions for people who make over $280K/yr for the other 1/3. 2/3 + 1/3 = 1. So if the entire healthcare plan is being covered, why do business owners have to contribute anything? AGAIN, wait fro the final bill to come out before getting all bent out of shape.


Active Member
Tort reform.
I don't think you even need to cap damages to make it work. Loser pays would solve a lot. My wife has worked for both a defense firm and insurance company and she has seen first hand why insurance and medical care is so expensive. It's the stupid little lawsuits that insurance companies have the settle on because its cheaper to pay 50 or 60 grand than prove the suit is baseless. There are lawyers out there that make a fine living filing those type of suits. The costs of creating the paper trail needed to fend off these types of suits is crazy too.
Regulations on medical billing
The current system allows hospitals to charge one fee if you have insurance and another if you don't. This should be illegal. Instead of heaping more costs on those being responsible why not make the hospitals force everyone to pay the true cost of their care? Perhaps instead of sending someone with no insurance to collections create a government program where the debt is covered by the government like medicare does and let the IRS go after the deadbeats to collect the bill.
Just doing those 2 things would make a big difference in the cost of insurance. Even if you favor a government system you got to do something to control costs.
Why does the whole system need to be turned on it's head by August?