article on cycling a tank


There was an article that I saw somewhere on the web about cycling a tank with a cocktail shrimp. Could anyone tell me where that is?


What do you need to know. As I understand it throw in a couple of cocktail shrimp, let them decompose until they produce ammonia (then your cycle is started). After that measure for the spikes and voila you've got a cycled tank...


Do a search on this board on cycling and im sure you will find all the information you are looking for. Glinton is right though; you just put a shrimp in to add an ammonia source. Then the cycle takes off from there. Good Luck. Cycling with shrimp is much more humans than using damsels.
I am also cylcling my tank with shrimp. But my question is my water spiked so quick. The first day my water measured 0 am. now the second day my water is 5 am. How long do you think it will take to cycle this much am. out. My tank is a 125gal and I have 50 to 75 # of live rock in it.
Sarah :)


Theoretically, the AM should be broken down by the bacteria in the tank. You are trying to build up the number of bacteria by raising the levels of ammonia.
I would suggest you talk to someone quickly, because I am under the assumption that you do not have to cycle with a shrimp because you already have live rock in your tank, which will cycle your tank by itself.
Again, I am new. Get some advice from a more experienced person.