As a gun owner, how do you feel about...


Active Member
We who live on the border of this 3rd world pig sty (Mexico if you couldn't guess) would be robbed, r@ped and killed in a day, literally. That is what would happen if we didn't have access to our weapons. I don't see a need for someone to own a limo when a Yugo would suffice, should I support a ban on limo's? I'm done (for now) with this, but let me say for the record: those who fear the legal ownership of firearms need to go get a testosterone shot, 'cause a normal man should be vigilant, but not exist in a state of fear like the gun-banners.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AquaKnight http:///forum/thread/383122/as-a-gun-owner-how-do-you-feel-about/100#post_3357079
Originally Posted by bionicarm
I told you reef, I could honestly care less. You're the one on the tirade trying to justify why you need the access to guns, not me. Seriously, how detrimental would it be if you lost all access to guns?
Present day Egypt?
Do you honestly think the government in this country would ever degrade to the point that it would turn itself into an Egypt or Venezuela? Our democratic process has held strong for over 200 years, and was only theatened when we had that little skirmish called the Civil War. However, we've learned quite a bit from our mistakes, and only paranoid individuals who listen to the nutjobs like Beck, Hannity, and Limbaugh would be the catalyst to cause the chaos you're seeing in Egypt today.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mantisman51 http:///forum/thread/383122/as-a-gun-owner-how-do-you-feel-about/100#post_3357137
We who live on the border of this 3rd world pig sty (Mexico if you couldn't guess) would be robbed, r@ped and killed in a day, literally. That is what would happen if we didn't have access to our weapons. I don't see a need for someone to own a limo when a Yugo would suffice, should I support a ban on limo's? I'm done (for now) with this, but let me say for the record: those who fear the legal ownership of firearms need to go get a testosterone shot, 'cause a normal man should be vigilant, but not exist in a state of fear like the gun-banners.
Cry me a river. You don't like living in a world where you're constantly threatened - MOVE! No one's forcing you to live there. How are gun-banners living in a state f fear? Think you have that reversed.
Why stick to simplistic semi-auto, multi-magazine weapons? I know a person who can get you access to Claymores, C4, and some interesting trip bombs made with blasting caps riggers use for perforating oil and gas wells. If you're going to put them down, put them down in pieces! LOLOL.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm http:///forum/thread/383122/as-a-gun-owner-how-do-you-feel-about/80#post_3357078
I told you reef, I could honestly care less. You're the one on the tirade trying to justify why you need the access to guns, not me. Seriously, how detrimental would it be if you lost all access to guns? Could you still eat? Would you still have a roof over your head? Would you still have a job? Would you still have the same mode of transportation? It's this mortal fear you have that MAYBE, POSSIBLY, some bad person will come after you or your belongings, and you need the capability to protect yourself. My kids keep an aluminum baseball bat and a can of mace by their beds. My older daughter has mace and a tazer in her purse. Why? Because I wouldn't trust a gun in her hand. She's terrified of them. I've tried taking her to the gun range to shoot my pistol, and she won't touch it.
I kind of feel sorry for you that you live with this fear that you need to constantly look over your shoulder, wondering if that 'guy' might pull a gun or knife on you. It's called 'knowing your surroundings'. You don't walk around in the middle of the night in the bad neighborhoods. You walk in groups when possible. You park your vehicle in well lit areas where there's plenty of people around. You insure all your doors are locked, you have window locks, and even an alarm system on your house. There's nothing wrong with having a firearm for protection. I just don't see the logic behind having one that can be used to wipe out a small group with one pull of a trigger.
I guess you are incapable of grasping the point. I don't have to justify owning my guns any more than I need to justify the big screen TV's or reef tank. You need to justify why I shouldn't have them and you haven't come close to doing that.
I wouldn't live in a bad neighborhood. Do have a couple gun in the house I could get to in a hurry if I needed to but I don't much worry about that. Haven't ever carried other than having one in the truck for road trips. Why not? It's legal and there are some real losers on the highways.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm http:///forum/thread/383122/as-a-gun-owner-how-do-you-feel-about/100#post_3357151
Originally Posted by AquaKnight http:///forum/thread/383122/as-a-gun-owner-how-do-you-feel-about/100#post_3357079
Originally Posted by bionicarm
I told you reef, I could honestly care less. You're the one on the tirade trying to justify why you need the access to guns, not me. Seriously, how detrimental would it be if you lost all access to guns?
Present day Egypt?
Do you honestly think the government in this country would ever degrade to the point that it would turn itself into an Egypt or Venezuela? Our democratic process has held strong for over 200 years, and was only theatened when we had that little skirmish called the Civil War. However, we've learned quite a bit from our mistakes, and only paranoid individuals who listen to the nutjobs like Beck, Hannity, and Limbaugh would be the catalyst to cause the chaos you're seeing in Egypt today.
LOL! OK Pollyanna.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm http:///forum/thread/383122/as-a-gun-owner-how-do-you-feel-about/100#post_3357156
Originally Posted by mantisman51
We who live on the border of this 3rd world pig sty (Mexico if you couldn't guess) would be robbed, r@ped and killed in a day, literally. That is what would happen if we didn't have access to our weapons. I don't see a need for someone to own a limo when a Yugo would suffice, should I support a ban on limo's? I'm done (for now) with this, but let me say for the record: those who fear the legal ownership of firearms need to go get a testosterone shot, 'cause a normal man should be vigilant, but not exist in a state of fear like the gun-banners.
Cry me a river. You don't like living in a world where you're constantly threatened - MOVE! No one's forcing you to live there. How are gun-banners living in a state f fear? Think you have that reversed.
Why stick to simplistic semi-auto, multi-magazine weapons? I know a person who can get you access to Claymores, C4, and some interesting trip bombs made with blasting caps riggers use for perforating oil and gas wells. If you're going to put them down, put them down in pieces! LOLOL.
So you tell him to move rather than defend himself but you thought it was unreasonable when we suggested that you could move out of a dry county if local governments were allowed to restrict alcohol sales.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff http:///forum/thread/383122/as-a-gun-owner-how-do-you-feel-about/100#post_3357208
Originally Posted by bionicarm http:///forum/thread/383122/as-a-gun-owner-how-do-you-feel-about/100#post_3357156
Originally Posted by mantisman51
We who live on the border of this 3rd world pig sty (Mexico if you couldn't guess) would be robbed, r@ped and killed in a day, literally. That is what would happen if we didn't have access to our weapons. I don't see a need for someone to own a limo when a Yugo would suffice, should I support a ban on limo's? I'm done (for now) with this, but let me say for the record: those who fear the legal ownership of firearms need to go get a testosterone shot, 'cause a normal man should be vigilant, but not exist in a state of fear like the gun-banners.
Cry me a river. You don't like living in a world where you're constantly threatened - MOVE! No one's forcing you to live there. How are gun-banners living in a state f fear? Think you have that reversed.
Why stick to simplistic semi-auto, multi-magazine weapons? I know a person who can get you access to Claymores, C4, and some interesting trip bombs made with blasting caps riggers use for perforating oil and gas wells. If you're going to put them down, put them down in pieces! LOLOL.
So you tell him to move rather than defend himself but you thought it was unreasonable when we suggested that you could move out of a dry county if local governments were allowed to restrict alcohol sales.
Not being able to buy a beer is a little different than sitting on your front porch taking pot shots at -------- as they sneak by. There's no comparison between the two.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff http:///forum/thread/383122/as-a-gun-owner-how-do-you-feel-about/100#post_3357205
I guess you are incapable of grasping the point. I don't have to justify owning my guns any more than I need to justify the big screen TV's or reef tank. You need to justify why I shouldn't have them and you haven't come close to doing that.
I wouldn't live in a bad neighborhood. Do have a couple gun in the house I could get to in a hurry if I needed to but I don't much worry about that. Haven't ever carried other than having one in the truck for road trips. Why not? It's legal and there are some real losers on the highways.
It has nothing to do with justifying owning guns in general. You apparently aren't grasping my point. There is no logical justification for a normal civilian to own a military-style weapon. Period. You justify it by using an NRA interpretation of the 2nd Amendment. I seriously doubt the Founding Fathers would have defined 'a well regulated militia' as Billy Joe Bob packing a AR-15 with a 300-round drum magazine. It would be interesting to see how the 2nd would've been written if they would've had a time machine and been able to see how firearm technology advanced as much as it has since the gunpowder musket.
You want twenty .357 Magnum's, ten Glock 9mm's, fifteen 12-gauge shotguns, and a couple of 30-06 rifles lying around your house, in your car, or on your person? Knock yourself out.


Active Member
Name calling and throwing derogatory language around is starting to sneak into this thread.
This is a passionate discussion going on here, interesting conversation. It'd be a shame to ruin it. Keep things civil folks.


Active Member
Not being able to buy a beer is a little different than sitting on your front porch taking pot shots
Is that what most (or even a demonstrable percentage) of gun owners are to you? Folks that do this?
No wonder you want more gun laws.
Your progression in this discussion hints at a certain level of elitism... you readily admit owning guns and almost claim to be "pro gun" yet I'm sure you don't "sit on your front porch taking pot shots." Why is it that YOU wouldn't do something like this but that's all that other gun owners do? What makes you so special? I would think that your repeated reiteration of your gun ownership would at least give you some perspective to what many here are trying to say, but it seems like you hold yourself to some higher standard than other gun owners, when in reality, you're not much different. You are a law abiding citizen who owns and operates firearms in a safe, responsible manner, right? If you had a gattling gun, a Glock with a 33 round magazine, or an AR-15 speckled with all sort of post-AWB features, would that make you any more likely to conduct yourself in a criminal manner? I thought not.
I don't think that most if not everyone on this thread understands the need for sensible gun laws. However, the arbitary definition as defined by... well... anyone ... as to what consitutes sensible (such as what guns are OK to own vs. what are not) is a difficult one to define, and will never be agreed upon. Your definition of such is based on what you think people need vs. what they do not. On the other hand, others feel that as law abiding citizens, they should not be restricted at all because it doesn't make any difference.
A .22 single shot derringer is exactly as deadly in the hands of a citizen who is abiding the law and exercising safe firearm use as a gattling gun. Ergo, to a law abiding citizen, your position makes no sense.
Accepting that most gun owners are law abiding citizens (which I think without citing statistics should be obvious), rather than passing broad laws that affect more law abiding citizens than anyone else, how about some ideas for gun laws or other approaches that affect criminals. Ultimately, you'll probably be hard pressed, because the criminals don't worry about the laws.


Active Member
But hey I'm all for treating all American citizen like criminals, who can't make good decisions on their own. Who needs freedom when we have "common sense" people like bionic arm to tell us what we should and shouldn't do. After all since there is no religious motivation for his views, then they are acceptable to impose on the people.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm http:///forum/thread/383122/as-a-gun-owner-how-do-you-feel-about/100#post_3357217
Originally Posted by reefraff http:///forum/thread/383122/as-a-gun-owner-how-do-you-feel-about/100#post_3357208
Originally Posted by bionicarm
Originally Posted by mantisman51
We who live on the border of this 3rd world pig sty (Mexico if you couldn't guess) would be robbed, r@ped and killed in a day, literally. That is what would happen if we didn't have access to our weapons. I don't see a need for someone to own a limo when a Yugo would suffice, should I support a ban on limo's? I'm done (for now) with this, but let me say for the record: those who fear the legal ownership of firearms need to go get a testosterone shot, 'cause a normal man should be vigilant, but not exist in a state of fear like the gun-banners.
Cry me a river. You don't like living in a world where you're constantly threatened - MOVE! No one's forcing you to live there. How are gun-banners living in a state f fear? Think you have that reversed.
Why stick to simplistic semi-auto, multi-magazine weapons? I know a person who can get you access to Claymores, C4, and some interesting trip bombs made with blasting caps riggers use for perforating oil and gas wells. If you're going to put them down, put them down in pieces! LOLOL.
So you tell him to move rather than defend himself but you thought it was unreasonable when we suggested that you could move out of a dry county if local governments were allowed to restrict alcohol sales.
Not being able to buy a beer is a little different than sitting on your front porch taking pot shots at -------- as they sneak by. There's no comparison between the two.
You're right. There is no comparison.
What is more likely to happen, someone sitting on their porch opening fire with their gun or tossing back 8 or 10 beers and getting behind the wheel of a car drunk? We all know the answer to that one.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm http:///forum/thread/383122/as-a-gun-owner-how-do-you-feel-about/100#post_3357221
Originally Posted by reefraff
I guess you are incapable of grasping the point. I don't have to justify owning my guns any more than I need to justify the big screen TV's or reef tank. You need to justify why I shouldn't have them and you haven't come close to doing that.
I wouldn't live in a bad neighborhood. Do have a couple gun in the house I could get to in a hurry if I needed to but I don't much worry about that. Haven't ever carried other than having one in the truck for road trips. Why not? It's legal and there are some real losers on the highways.
It has nothing to do with justifying owning guns in general. You apparently aren't grasping my point. There is no logical justification for a normal civilian to own a military-style weapon. Period. You justify it by using an NRA interpretation of the 2nd Amendment. I seriously doubt the Founding Fathers would have defined 'a well regulated militia' as Billy Joe Bob packing a AR-15 with a 300-round drum magazine. It would be interesting to see how the 2nd would've been written if they would've had a time machine and been able to see how firearm technology advanced as much as it has since the gunpowder musket.
You want twenty .357 Magnum's, ten Glock 9mm's, fifteen 12-gauge shotguns, and a couple of 30-06 rifles lying around your house, in your car, or on your person? Knock yourself out.
Functionally my AR 15 is no different than a ruger mini 14 ranch riffle. Not one dimes worth of difference. Yet one is dangerous because it looks like an M-16? Thats like saying we should ban a car because it looks too fast.
You might try reading some of the writings of those who crafted and signed the bill of rights. The so-called NRA interpretation of the second amendment is 100 percent correct, the founders wanted us to be able to own guns as a check on a tyrannical government should it ever happen. For that we needed to be armed just like any army would be, remember many of those same folks opposed a standing military lest it be used against the people. If you are going to claim the government can just ignore the wording of the second amendment because of changing times you open the door to them doing the same with any other part of the constitution.


Active Member
Wow, to justify banning guns we must surrender our homes? Thanks Bionic, I really don't need to say more. You just said all that needs said.