As Requested..Pic of all my Acans


Active Member
Scoobs asked for a shot of them all..Here are all my acans as of now. I am sure I will add more this week probably..LOL


Active Member
They are awsome! Why are the setting on shells? Does it make it easier when they grow out to move? Frag?


Active Member
it gives it a base for when it grows out th polyps can grow out over the shell before they make a skeleton.


I've just got two acans frags & am lost as far as placement & do you target feed yours , & if so with what? I also wondered what to put it on untill I saw this thread, I've got a nice crocea shell for it. I've got a 120 gal, 2-250 (20,000) MHs,2-10,000 VHO's, & turn over about 10,000 gal hr.


Active Member
I target feed them cyclo and mysis..helps em grow faster.
if you have halides u should be able to put them in the sand as well.
yea the sun coral eats alot and opens up really full at night