As usual I am confused...


New Member
For a nano tank around 30 gallons all I need is a heater, powerhead, good lighting. What else would I need? I have a 58 gallon tank with a sump, do I need to have a sump and skimmer on a smaller tank or is the live rock enough filtration?


Active Member
you never have to do a sump or skimmer. Basically it comes down to responsible husbandry of the tank. Don't overstock, don't overfeed, do your water changes and you'll be fine with LR/LS and good water flow.


New Member
Would that also be true on a 58 gallon tank or is it just the smaller ones that do not need to have a sump or skimmer?


Active Member
well, in an ideal world it's always true. But in bigger tanks there's more tendancy to overstock. At least from my experience that's true.


New Member
Depends on the nano...if you get a biocube or similar it comes WITH all the proper filter, lighting, and as far as heating the lights take care of that so its self sustaining mostly


Active Member
I think every tank needs a heater. It won't run unless the water cools, so why wouldn't you want one... even if it's only a precaution?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Vsandme
Depends on the nano...if you get a biocube or similar it comes WITH all the proper filter, lighting, and as far as heating the lights take care of that so its self sustaining mostly
I think a lot of this depends on the climate you live in. For me, my lights can hold the tank around 80degrees during the day, but temps drop a lot at night if I don't run a heater. It's not so much the temp that can stress fish/corals as much as it is the fluctuation. A heater helps maintain a more constant temp.
IMO, a heater is necessary in all tanks.


New Member
Eh, I live in florida so even when the lights off at night the tank never goes below 78...maybe get the tank set up and monitor the temps for a couple days after it stabalyzes, if it stays above 75 24hrs a day youll be safe if not a heater would be good...i only use one in the turtle tank but in the cube i dont like having more cords and things in the tank i dont need