ASAP Is my water toxic?

For some odd reason my brand new open goblet brain ALREADY melted within the 3rd hour
here are param:
salinity: 1.025 (was 1.028 but i lowered it slowly)
Nitrate: 8
Alk: 4
Calc: 480
ph: 8.3
why did it start melting? was it because of the salinity and if so will it grow back since the salinity is normal (P.S it stoped melting today but still alot of it went)


what is your ammon and nitrites at, that could be an issue? Is your alk in ppm or dkh cause that could be low.
i acclimated the open brain by letting it temp acclimate in a bag for a hour and a half i bought it from a store and now theirs only a little be left in the middle but the side u can see the white rock........please is their anyway i can save it?
Originally Posted by Aqua_Scaping
i acclimated the open brain by letting it temp acclimate in a bag for a hour and a half i bought it from a store and now theirs only a little be left in the middle but the side u can see the white rock........please is their anyway i can save it?
It only takes 15 minutes to temp acclimate it. you should have dripped for a couple hours after that. No it sounds like it's gone. Post pics if you can. It might just be extremely stressed. If you put it in 1.028 that would have done it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mom2ella
You needed to drip acclimate. It tells how to do it on this site.
No need to drip acclimate a brain..
Originally Posted by smokingreefer

It only takes 15 minutes to temp acclimate it. you should have dripped for a couple hours after that. No it sounds like it's gone. Post pics if you can. It might just be extremely stressed. If you put it in 1.028 that would have done it.
and 1.028 isnt high IMO. I run both my tanks at 1.028 actually one stays at 1.029.
Hows it doing now? ALK is low.. U need to raise that
Originally Posted by rebelprettyboy
No need to drip acclimate a brain..
and 1.028 isnt high IMO. I run both my tanks at 1.028 actually one stays at 1.029.
Hows it doing now? ALK is low.. U need to raise that
It's high if it is coming from a tank with a much lower sg.


Active Member
its definitely shocked. pics will help. there may be hope for it, but you have to find which parameter is out of whack and slowly bring it back in line.