Asassi Vs Picasso Trigger


Okay, I've decided that I would rather go with a Picasso than a clown trigger (thanks for the tips everyone!), now the question is: Asassi Trigger or Picasso? Any ideas? Problems? Which is more aggressive any people's experience?


New Member
I had a 6" clown trigger, a 4" queen trigger, and a 4" picasso all in a 55 gal all at the same time they didn't fight at all. (Well just at feeding time.)


Active Member
what size tank do you have? picasso's and assasi's are both about equal in temperment and in the mid agression range for triggers. both will make a great and rewarding pet. the only real differnce is price, assasi's being alot more. bo


I love my picasso.. it(unsure of how to tell --- with this species) is the best fish I have.. Its the same size as my hippo tang.. but it is the most docile fish in the tank.. I have a 4" hippo, a 4" picasso and 2 2" yellow tails in a 55long. the trigger is a neat fish... he has a tendency to pick up CC and spit it at the other fish.. but other than that he has never provoked anyone.. and they are a really good fish for the money. $20 for such an interesting fish is a great buy in my book..