asking pros and cons of frogfish tanks and freshwater angelfish tanks

i have never done a saltwater tank and i need to know if i should do a freshwater angelfish tank or a 8 gallon frogfish tank...
in the freshwater tank i have a 10 gallon right now and i want to upgrade to a 20 and have a 2-3 in. marble angle, a 1-2 in. gold veil angel, a 1-2 in. koi angel, a pleco, a kuhli loach, and 3 neon tetras... this would come up to about 120$

in the saltwater i would have a 8 gal. biocube with a frogfish or a pistol shrimp and some corals

the problem is that i have to stay in the 200-250$ price range

i need some suggetsions thank you and i really appreciate the help


you'll probably get more fun out of the angel tank. they are great fish and with freshwater you can really make that tank look amazing for mush less the cost.


Active Member
IMO I would do've got your bro for help, and a 8gallon if you dont do a frogfish wont get to expensive...but thats my opinion


Active Member
well from my experience in the freshwater.. it will be quite a bit less than a salt water set up... either way if he has the money tell him to get a 8 or 14 biocube... he can do fresh in those and they will be ready to go if he wants to make the change to salt. also your stock list for the 10 gallon seems like maybe too much.... I only have 2 fish in my 10 gallon.. a chiclid and a pleco even then the chiclid is outgrowing it fast.


Active Member
DEFINITELY go wish some type of angler. In a tank that small, especialy in a biocube (not the best filtration) you will absolutly be limited to a species. An Antennarious Pictus is one that stays pretty small and you can usually find them every once in a while with some searching. But are expensive, but waaaaaaay more fun than angel fish. They dont move tons, but they are just so facinating to watch, even if they are doing nothing. I had a Maculatus (wartskin) in a 10 gallon with a 4 gallon HOB fuge and Deltec MC500 skimmer reef for a while and he was amazing. he changed from a black to a nice deep green color and some of the warts started turning pink. SO much fun to watch eat and go fishing.
It might be a little difficult staying in the 200-250 rang if you are getting everything from scratch, but with your brother to help you out (maybe donating a few pounds of live rock?) and depending how much live rock costs at your LFS, it can definitely be done.
Good luck and make sure to update us. :)


Active Member
Frogfish eat anything it get in its mouth. Its mouth open the diameter of its body. Bye, bye pistol shrimp.
this is jeremy not justin
yeh i ended up getting a 29
gallon instead of a 20 gallon...i really appreciate it and right now we already have a 55 corner bowfront, and my big brother has the 29 which is spectactular if i might say, he just made the pretiest florida ricordia garden and has the pistol shrimp and the yellow canary wrasse(dont know if i spelled right) but it looks awesome for the year and a half he has been in saltwater and he is better and knows more than some of my friends who have been in it for years...

i just turned 13 so 6 more years i will probably move out and the if i want to i can turn my 29 i have right now into a reef tank because i have a nice aquaclear filter, a flowmaker, a heater, and all i would really need is a better light
in the 29 right now i have 2 angelfish, 6 barbs, 2 neon tetras, 1 kuhli loach which is really pretty which i think you should look up, and 1 bushy nose pleco
thank you i really appreciate the help and i look forward to posting some pics of my tank so you guys can see... but my brother is going to be gone for 4 days at a USF football camp so i wont be able to for 4 days because i dont know how


Active Member
not a pro at those, but if you want to do just the lion I would say 45, but then again im not should have gone with the much more to do..but lets see some pics of that fresh
ok ty
i will be getting more fish sunday and my big brother will be getting home sunday so ill get pics with my new fish

i think if i would have gone with the frogfish tank it would have been somewhat boring and the only way i would have done it is if i did the pistol shrimp tank
and at our lfs rive rock is 6-8 bucks a pound which would add up real quick and srry but my profits were only 190$