ASM g2 and typhoon III, who has them?



Just got some parts in for new setup. WIll add to list when more stuff comes in mail!
ASM g2 skimmer. --HOLY cow this thing is massive
Typhoon III RO/DI unit. --also massive
Just wondering on the ASM how high the airtube from pump goes? My skimmer has no instructions what so ever, so I dont know where/how to set it.
Who has the Typhoon, do you like it? Is it easy to setup/use I cant wait to install it!
My 2 toys so far, 4 more packages still to arrive :)
$800 worth or stuff hahaha

Where my tank stand will be going, building stand and desk. Yes I know EXTREMELY cluttered, but I have to many fish items in room, cant move anything..


Active Member
I have a typhoon 3 and love it. The instructions that come with it are pretty good. The tech support from air water ice is outstanding. If you need any help they will answer any questions you have.
Good luck with your new toys!


Active Member
Originally Posted by sonicboom1
Just got some parts in for new setup. WIll add to list when more stuff comes in mail!
Just wondering on the ASM how high the airtube from pump goes? My skimmer has no instructions what so ever, so I dont know where/how to set it.

The air tube for the venturi is just fine. You don't do anything with that. Leave it whole from the venturi through the holder on the chamber at the top and let it stick out as you have it.
The riser tube. I'd start it lower and raise it up until you get the skimmate you're looking for. The lower the drier and the higher the wetter the skimmate will be. I run a wet skimmate and that is usually just below the collection cup. The water level outside the skimmer in the sump is about an inch above the elbow.


Thanks for the info guys!
Anyways..daily updates, here is my overflow box I bought from aquacrylics. Everything looks awsome, just waiting for my 40L so I can start building..


More items today!
Mag 9.5 return pump
Aqua silencer for my overflow box
2- 250w titanium with out of tank adjustment controls

Just waiting for my tank now :)