ASM G2 skimmer question


It's been a long time since I got any new equipment for my tank, and I got a ASM G2 skimmer yesterday for my tank. How long till this thing starts pulling out gunk. I raised the tube up pretty far and I haven't gotten anthing but bubbles near the top of the chamber.
My tank has been setup for a long time and I've had it at a very low load for about a year. I've had at most 3 fish in my tank at a time for the past year. I have 0 nitrates, but I do have some nuicence algea in my tank.
Does it take a few days for a skimmer to break in? I really don't recall.
BTW the G2 is sooooo simple
. I was really impressed with how easy it is to use and setup.


Active Member
I think they do tell you to run the skimmer in plain water for like 24 hours or so to remove the residue from building them.......All skimmers have some break in period.......Give it alittle time


The ASM site says it can take weeks to produce, maybe a little less if thoroughly cleaned first.


i am also goin to get a g2 but how much room should i leave in the sump for it? IN other words how far away should i make the baffles from the side?


for now I want to see how it does on it's own. The gate valve mod appears to be a more refined way to control the water level.
The footprint is 8.5" x 10" it isn't a small skimmer. In fact the box it came in was probably 4 ft tall.


New Member
No it isnt small and with the Gate Mod it increases the footprint by least a third. But it does making adjusting it alot easier.


Well I made another adjustment with the riser tube last night, and when I got up this morning I had a very little skimmate.
I'm a little releived, because I wasn't too excited about modding my brand new skimmer.
BTW On the ASM forum it discusses how difficult it is to get a gate valve. I'm wondering why you couldn't use a ball valve for this. :thinking:


Originally Posted by hckycoz
so i should put the first baffle about 12" from the side. Or should i leave more room?

On the ASM forum it discusses 3 different mods that you can make to the skimmer. The gate valve mod is quite large, and this is for a greater control over the water level in the skimmer. I would think you could get a litte creative with this to fit a tighter spot if needed. As for the other 2 mods they are interconnected, and the other 2 really are if you need to get more skimming power out of the skimmer.
One is to adjust the skimmer to recirc the water and bubbles through the skimmer. The allows for more contact time with the bubbles in the chamber and in turn cleans the water better. Unfortunatly this mod doesn't allow for new water to enter the system, so the other mod is to push new water in the skimmer. This can be done 2 ways either add another small pump to pump water from the sump into the skimmer at the top of the skimmer. This will require more room in the sump. Or, you can drop the water from the overflow into the skimmer. I would think you could do it another way by t-ing off the return linke of the main tank also.