Assasi Trigger

i just got a Assasi trigger and put him in with my other fish yesterday and also added 10 lbs of LR. I let the bag sit in the water for 1/2 hr and then put him in he swam down then went and layed in the rocks he came out once then went back into the rock he dident come out when i was feeding eather and hes still there this morning. Is this normal or is there something wrong with him??????????
ya i think that he is just shy and the little cycle to but my other
fish are handeling it ok, hes starting to come out more my pH 8.2,
ammonia .25, nitrite 0.25, nitrates 5.0 thanks


This is the new hobbyist forum. If you feel mxracer did something wrong by just floating the bag for a while then why don't you try to help him. I imagine the reason mxracer posted in this particular forum was so he/she could get some help, not to have what they said repeated back to them with no useful commentary.
When acclimating fish to the tank there is alot of ways to do it. On avaerage I take an hour for fish and 2+ for corals and inverts. I do it be slowly adding water to the bag to let the fish get acustom the the new water conditions. Like salinity , pH and such. When the bag gets to full I empty some out into a bucket and keep going. Alot of pet stores have a low salinity like 1.020-1.023 , All my tanks salinity is between 1.024-1.026. So it helps the new fish to get used to it and it does not shock his system to much. Kinda like you going from a regular room to a oxygen tent, Your going to get one heck of a buzz , followed by a headache. BTW never add the bag water to your tank. But I am sure you knew that already. :)
Triggers when added to a tank will take some time to get used to there new surrounding. A few days to a week is generally needed before they start acting normally. Though sometimes faster. How big is your your clown trigger ? They can be very nasty sometimes. Keep an eye on him so that he does not terrorize the new trigger. If he really goes after him, you may have to decided on which to return to the LFS for the fishes sake.
IMO Also keep a watch on the lion. The triggers or puffer may start nipping fins. That will really stress out a lion that can hardly defend itself against to fast moving triggers. BTW what kind of puffer ? You I know a little long :p
But I hope this helps ya out !!
I agree with you completely !! Good Job !!