Assasi Triggerfish


New Member
Hi, are assasi triggerfish hardy? How much aggressivenes? Minimum tank size? And do they look like huma huma triggerfish but without the wierd coloration in the lower back part of it's body?


Assasi triggerfish like all the rest of triggerfish are extremely hardy. And yes, like all triggerfish they are also aggressive. But, assasi triggerfish are one of the peaceful (Can become aggressive a lot)triggerfish. Assasi triggerfish get around 7 to 9 inches, so I would say at least a 100 gallon tank. And yes assasi triggerfish look just like what you described.


New Member
Thanks topfish for the quick reply!!!
Also I was wondering about queen triggerfish...
Are they aggresive, minimum tank size? Hope you can answer this one to.


Queen triggerfish are extremely aggressive. They are just like undulated triggerfish. If you do keep them with other fish, which I don't think you should do. The queen should be around 2 in. and the rest of the fish should be atleast 4 in. long. Queen triggerfish get BIG, so I would suggest at least a 200 gallon tank. You could maybe put it in a little smaller tank, BUT, there would be less territories, so there would be more fighting with the queen triggerfish. I highly advise against getting this triggerfish. Anymore questions just ask!


New Member
Thanks again topfish!
Just one more triggerfish question.
Blue jawed triggerfish. Are they aggressive, minimum tank size, and is there a difference between males and females?


YA you can see I love triggerfish, and know a lot about them... :D
Blue jaw triggerfish are excellent choices for the home aquarium. They stay small, are one of the nicest triggerfish, in my opinion, and don't get that big. They are ideal for tanks. I would say at least a 75 gallon tank, since they are not that aggressive, and stay small. MAle blue jaw triggerfish are the same thing as females (aggresion, size, etc.) BUT, males are extremely more pretty. They are more of a light blue color, with a dark blue jaw. Females on the other hand, are a dark green, with a dark blue color jaw. I love male blue jaw triggerfish, and thinking about getting one for my 220 gallon tank when I get it, after it cycles. ales are more expensive then females, they are around $50-$70 dollars for one around 3 or 4 in. More when they get bigger. Females are around $30 bucks for one around 3 or 4 in. and more when they get bigger. I think male blue jaws are the best triggerfish to get for the home aquariums. Good luck! Any more questions just ask.
A queen trigger will need more than a 200g they get really big. i seen one in a 1000g that looked like it could bite my arm in half. it was huge. 200g is way too small for a full grown one
you got a bad tank man.. i wish i had some flix to show you of my favorites are the queen,clown and undulate. i wish i can have a tank big enough for a queen though because when i seen a full grown one it was big,beautiful and intimidating.


Thanks triggawhatever, for complementing me and my tank. Ya I hope I never get to see pictures of your tank. Especially the one where an undulated triggerfish is being housed in a 55 gallon. Undulateds get to big for a 55 gallon tank, and you know it. And what is so wrong with my tank? :mad: Hu? If you don't like it then don't reply. You have been giving some bad posts, wait I take that back you posted A LOT of bad posts. I have been puting up with your bad posts, but now i'm not puttin up with your junk. :mad: I mean this is what you said in one of your posts
Yes you can keep a lionfish in a 30 gallon, you can add a queen trigger to!!! And if you have good enough filtration you can add an eel to. The only fish that you named that can go in there is the eel. Also, I bet the new pics of my tank when I post them with the new lighting, I bet it's way better than your tanks. :mad: :mad:
i meant bad as in undulate is in a 100 right now. the 55 is the sump you can keep an undulate in a 55...have you ever had one??? i dont think so...seeing is believing so dont believe anything you hear. watch yourself!!!!!!!!!!!!!![ October 24, 2001: Message edited by: TRIGAHAPPYNIGER ]
[ October 24, 2001: Message edited by: TRIGAHAPPYNIGER ]
and its TRIGGAHAPPYNIGER dont get it twisted!!!!!!!! yourself little dont know what your getting yourself into...


Sorry man. I thought you said I had a crummy tank. Now you would get pretty mad to, if someone said that you had a bad tank, that you have been putting your time and money into for the last 2 years.Just for get what I said in the above posts. Sorry man.


Active Member
someone got their panites in a ruffle, haha. that is a BAD tank btw. try not to lose your head next time. nice tank man. bo
no harm done bro.. ive had tanks since i was ten but just started with salt even though i had a couple brackish tank a while back..the tanks i have on my profile are just the ones running right now. i like to joke around alot so if i say put a green moray in a 30 it is a joke. the green moray is one of the biggest morays available. i am setting up a tank right now and its should look kindof like yours but i am using pvc frames under the lr. i like to joke around with the undulate because of its reputation...i am no expert but i have been testing the undulates aggression. i have three different ones/sizes and its been six months already another six and i should have first hand proof of his aggresion. but so far i can say its just like a clown but whos to know in six months it can be different..keep you all posted


I'd like to say sorry again. But you gotta admit. It does sound like you said I got a bad tank. But I didn't know you meant bad as in good. Sorry.