Asterina stars...LOTS of them (?)


Active Member
I posted this in the reef forum, but I thought that maybe someone here would be able to help.
I was gazing into my 37gal tank right now, and noticed that there is a fairly large bloom of asterina stars!! Where this wouldn't normally concern me...I think they're pretty cool...I thought I read before that a huge bloom is not good in a reef system.
What could be the cause of the bloom, is there concern, and if there is, what can I do to curail it? I don't want to stop it, because like I said, I think they're pretty cool.
Any help is really appreciated.
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by sawsman
Yeah I'm curious also. I have at least 30 of them in my 55. How many is too much?

Whoa, I have way more than that in my 37...I have to admit, I really like the little critters!!
Check out the replies that I got in the Reef forum.
Lisa :happyfish