Astrowars members of SWF



Thought maybe we should start another thread to keep track of us SWF/Astrowars members.
So is anyone ready to start a trade agreement or alliance yet?
How goes the battles in your home planet?


Active Member
Not good for me. Here's the latest news:
18:20:54 - Jan 16 We lost Beta Rastaban 7.
18:17:57 - Jan 16 Attention !!! We have evidence of an incoming fleet around that time.
8 Transports
going to attack Beta Rastaban 7!
We suppose its the Fleet of hellblast.


Active Member
I am in Beta Antecanis 1, 2, and soon to be 4. User= MrX
I would like to enter into an alliance, but I dont know how?


Hey Nas - I'm not sure what happens when you get defeted, do they just give you a new planet or what? Or do you have to do something else?


OK I have spent a total of 7 pp's on hydroponic farms and it only says I have one building is that normal. and when should I start to buy ships for my fleet there is a total of 5 of us in my system now?? Also how do I start an alliance??


I am only about 5-6 days in and will be taking my first planet late tonight. My username is dzones and I am in -20/62. I have no clue as to alliances yet. One step at a time so far.
Interesting game though I must say.


i am addicted, getting ready to own my third planet tomorrow... my name on there is iceburger...i say we get a alliance together when everyone gets to that point, so far no one in my galaxy has had the nerve to attack me...


Active Member
Here's a hint.......siege ALL planets in your system after you have made friends with everyone left. Usually only two players keep up and own the system. I made a big mistake by not doing this. Someone just sieged a free planet right next to me, and I have no idea who it is. My Co-system owner, and fellow alliance member, is supposed to PM me if he plans on doing anything, and he didn't, so I have to assume it hostile and sent a fleet. The key thing here though is this. If someone attacks me from a system away, I got plenty of notice and time to do something, but if he attacks a free planet next to me, I get NO notice until he gets there, and he can hit me in three hours. A single destroyer on every planet makes people wonder what's there, and of course they'll go for a free planet in another system close by rather than have to GUESS what has the planet under siege. I blame myself. If my ^%$#@#$ alliance member sieged it without letting me know.......he just cost me what should have been a new planet this morning and probably about twenty wasted points........I basically HAVE to consider this hostile since it is only hours away, and it could hit me in my sleep.......I had to bring my fleet of over 300 ships from another system back home to prepare for war, and this leaves my "sucker" planet open. By sucker I mean that I had a fleet of over 300 cruisers and destroyers sitting there with a low starbase so people would attack it not knowing........every other planet shifted gears from points to defense.
I sent a single destroyer at the siege to see who it is, and in an hour I'll let you know if my alliance member is an ^%$#!!!!


Active Member
OH, if you missed it....instead of sending a fleet DIRECTLY at your target, because they will get instant notice, send it at a free planet close by, and then relaunch as soon as you get there.....they'll only have a few hours to try to defend. This is what I believe someone has done to me.


Active Member
Oh again......I had 12 colony ships ready for a new planet this get it started fast, but since a possible war might be going on.....I sent them instead, as fast as I saw the map, to the closest planet to the siege so that I could use the PPs in an effort to up the base.....I will NOT be happy if this is my alliance brother who didn't bother to tell me that he was going to siege a planet next to mine.:mad: 12 colony ships is 720 PPs. :eek: On a brand new planet that is like 165 PPs to start with when everything is cheap at 5 and such......


Active Member
well I own three planets and I am in an alliance with Sammy's brother (who owns half my star system). I have built out three planets and will be getting a fourht sooner or later. I am just sending small fleets of destroyers to get some points built up. I believe everythign in our system is either sieged or waiting. My whole goal in life is to go in and toast this canadian punk who kicked me out of a neigboring system ....
My name on AW is Overanalyzer and I am in league with Monster (sammy's brother) and these are hte planets I can currently see:
Alpha Asuhail
Alpha Aschere
Beta Al Athfar (HOME SYSTEM) - co-ordinates:60/14
Beta Arrioph
Beta Muliphein
Beta Rigel
Beta Hyadum II
Beta Alnitak


Active Member

Originally posted by Unknown
OK I have spent a total of 7 pp's on hydroponic farms and it only says I have one building is that normal. and when should I start to buy ships for my fleet there is a total of 5 of us in my system now?? Also how do I start an alliance??

Vince - one the right hand side of hte bar it will tell you how many more PP you need to get to the next level of that item - usually 5 pointsz fo r level 1 then 8 points for level 2 and so on....
also you can spend you PP on multiple items - near the top it will say something like where to spend #/(total #) od PP
The first # sign up there is changeable (click, delete insert new number)
I had never heard of AW before you guys brought it up but it reminds me of something we use to play on the old dial in bbs's years ago just more advanced. I thought I would give it a try looks like it will take a little figuring out though.


Thx over analizer I figured that out after I posted my post??:joy:
I am in Beta Izar 4 and my Coords are 39/65 can anyone see my system??
Also how do I colonize Free plants in my system?? Like what ships should I try to buy first??
Any tips that will help plz let me know.