I found this: 65 watt PowerCompact retrofit. Fits Eclipse System 3 and can be retrofit to many aquarium systems begging for more light. Want to do a reef with your Eclipse , Nano Tank or small aqiuarium system?
It's Real Easy !!!
You’re only 4 screws away from a dramatic lighting upgrade! SmartLite Retrofit Powercompact kits combine a true daylight 10,000K lamp with an actinic lamp, side by side in the same easy-to-install retro fit kit. These kits produce 250% more light than any compact flourescent strip. It's the perfect lighting for saltwater community tanks, live rock tanks, and reef tanks with polyps, mushrooms, anemones and other low to medium light-requiring corals.
Guys its $69.99 is this my best bet without having to do a overhaul?????
Super Features:
Remote electronic ballast
Polished aluminum reflector
65 watt SmartLamp Technology
All lamps are not created equal! Provides both 10,000k Premium Daylight and Ultra-Actinic in the same lamp.
Lamp clips, mounting hardware and switch
Detailed step by step instructions
Is this enough??????????????