at my witts end...


3yr old 14g bio-cube, everything looks like it has dust on it,even the glass when i clean it off(everyday) it looks like dust.tests are all ok except ph 7.9 . lights are 2 months old LED from (tunes),i did a 2gal water change last eve and hoped that would help but this morn the same. please help.

gill again68

Active Member
Whats in the tank? Fish , LR, corals etc. Whats your light cycle? Can you post your test kits and your parameters?


light are on usually from 10 to 10,2 false perks,1algae blenny,trumpet coral,orange ric,toadstool leather,green star polyps,few dif zoas,2 emerald crabs ,other snails and hermits. Water parameters :amonia 0,ph 7.8,nitrate 0, nitrite0,calm 440,alk 3. kits are Api , seachem. even my water is not clear. crazy.


Active Member
Sounds like diatoms. Moved anything around lately? Added any sand or rock lately? Where does you change and top off water come from. Somehow silicates have been introduced to the tank.


Well-Known Member

Do you run a skimmer and a power head? I don't have any experience with a small 14g but if my bigger tank had that problem that is where I would look for a cause.
Just trying to help.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by redpenny1
yes have skimmer and powerhead, i have even put a stronger pump in the filter chamber.

Do you have any macoalgae like Caulepra in there? I ask because sometimes it can go asexual and cloud up the tank.

gill again68

Active Member
Apparently I went asexual, I said I DO about 18 yrs ago could be something going around.
Sounds like a nutrient problem of some sort? Did you start using any different foods for the tank? Have you changed your lighting time to see if that affects it?


Active Member
running your lights for 12 hours isn't helping the problem.
Cut those lights way down to 6 hours. You may even want to do it for 4 hours for a little while.