Atlanitc Sharpnose Shark


Active Member
I sure hope nobody would put a 4 foot shark in that size aquarium...
Then you might as well build a 6' x 6' tank, since that extra foot doesn't make a difference, right?
But what do I know... I have no experience with sharks.


Have we ever figured out where to get these(atlantic sharpnose)? The link i posted still is non operational. If someone knows where to get them please let me know. Thanks.


smoothhounds email me and I have two sources that can get these guys for about $250. Have to have a fairly large system for them though.:D



Originally posted by mattiej
smoothhounds email me and I have two sources that can get these guys for about $250. Have to have a fairly large system for them though.:D

Could you send me that info too please?


You have got to be kidding me about that site. Check out the nurse shark listing. 168 inches long minimum tank size 125 gallons. At 168 inches all that would be in the tank would be shark, not even enough room for water. Makes me wonder greatly on the integrity of


I would have to agree with you on that one. They grossly underestimate the minimum tank size for all the species they sale. A 600 gallon tank for a black tip. Have to wonder if they just want to sale sharks but don't really care what happens to the animals once they leave their store?:eek:

tony detroit

Active Member
Welcome to shark sales 101 at most pet stores.
Cincyreefer seems to be about the only person I've run into that knows what is going on and sells sharks. Most stores don't give a **** and the really sad part is that they only make fifty bucks off the whole deal. You totally ---- over a nurse shark and come out with fifty bucks profit. You'd have to give me quite a few G's before I'd do that, and even then I'd probably not do it.
I watched a guy buy a nurse for a 55gal about two-three months ago. He then said, "don't worry I'm upgrading to a 125 soon" wtf is that? The store still sold it to him.


I've dealt w. the guys at questions & they are actually a okay shop. I've ordered about 10 seperate times from them and only had 1 doa. That one wasn't really their fault because the 3 inch hole in the side of the packing crate caused alot of water loss.
However - you may want to think about the shipping cost. To ship something like you are looking at usually runs in the $250 - $500 range for over-night. Remember that the crate is usually in the 6ft x 3 ft range. So a local source is usually a better solution.
There is a better site - but they don't care Atlantic Sharpnose - sorry.


wrigley, you are correct shipping these guys is very expenisve. The source I used transported the shark via freight truck half way to me and I meet him to finish the transport(having experience moving larger brown sharks prepared me for the much smaller sharpnoses). It was more nerve wracking for me then the shark as it was in a 200 gallon circular tank that was fed with pure oxygen and several water pumps. I constructed a filter that held activated carbon and poly filters. The temp was monitored with an electronic thermometer. Overall the trek was not too bad.
The wholesaler I got the shark fom was from my aquarium days and I have worked with the owner in the past. He is very serious about his work and equally passionate about the animals he sales. I have spoken to him about giving his name to other hobbyists and he is cautious but will grill any potential buyers. Just a word of caution: if you don't have a system of atleast 2500 gallons he is most unlikely to sale you a sharpie. He is also very particular about the experience of the hobbyist. In other words you must absolutely know what you are doing!!


wrigley, one other thing please email the other site. I am always looking out for good sites to order from. thanx