Atlantic Blue Tang School?


I just finished 3 hours of reading through postings on SWF about Atlantic Blue Tangs. I understand that they will for the most part only do well in schools. There were a few postings that indicated that several species of tang would school this true?
I'd like to hear success stories about atlantic blues. We are considering getting 3 or more tangs for our 180 gallon 6' tank. Any thoughts or ideas are welcome.


Active Member
IMO they are not very hardy but some do have success with them....I like this photo so Im posting it for all.


i wouldnt get them. They just dont do well and well, thats one less fish for me to see when i go scuba diving off big pine every summer.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dogstar
IMO they are not very hardy but some do have success with them....I like this photo so Im posting it for all.

Thanks for posting! That is an awesome pic!


Thanks for the replies and the picture is gorgeous! But my main question is still what is considered a school? All the same fish or like fish together? Would multiple species of tang consider themselves in a school?