Atlantic Blue Tang


I just noticed today that he has a big white spot in between his eyes.I don't believe it is ich but was wondering could it be a cut are a scrape?


There is some diese that makes the Eye puff up i'm not sure of its name though. I'd put the tang in quarintine.


Active Member
Yep, outside of schools, atlantic blue tangs do very poorly and are known for breaking down and getting bacterial infections.


Active Member
is he in your 90 gallon tank? hes gunna need a lot bigger tank than that. maybe could be the start of HLLE?


Active Member
The tang is most likely stressed. Atlantic blues, like powder blues, need a ton of swimming space.
I would recommend getting Zoe, Selcon, and VitaChem. Also, what are you feeding the fish?


Active Member
That diet is highly insufficient, especially for a herbivorous fish such as an atlantic blue tang. There should be a ton more items in that fish's diet. The brine shrimp plus (Ocean Nutrition brand) is a good source of food, and the mysis shrimp is okay, but the regular brine shrimp should not even be considered one of its main items in its diet. I would strongly recommend you go to your LFS and pick up some freeze-dried seaweed, and at least 3 frozen food items. I feed my fish 5 different frozen formula foods because they contain the highest blend of different seafoods.
If your LFS is carrying brine shrimp plus, they are most likely carrying other Ocean Nutrition products. Pick up some Formula 1 or 2, Prime Reef, and VHP formula. These will give your fish a huge variety in their diet. They will be getting kelp, spirulina, spinach, algae, krill, squidd, clams, mussels, scallops, shrimp, and a lot of other goodies. Then, you will have the algae sheets (seaweed) for the fish to graze on. I would recommend trying Julian Sprung's Sea Veggies. His seaweed products are extremely high in vitamin C, as well as other important vitamins that your fish need.