Atlantic Carpet


I was just curious if the atlantic carpet is of the same family as the other carpet anemones. I really would like to take advantage of's u-build it reef package, but the atlantic carpet is the only anemone that they don't list a scientific name for. What I'd really like to know is if amphiprion ocellaris will host in this anemone or not?


imo.. they would not.. the anenome would sting the clown too bad to host.. i understand that the atlantic carpet has a pretty powerful sting.. i also have never heard of an atlantic hosting, but there could be someone out there who has .. good luck though


Thank you for your help, I finally found some information on them today, and your right, nothing seems to host in them except a very rare crab.
yeah take it from me their sting hurts really bad. when i worked at the lfs i had to get one for a customer and in the process i got stung by two. my arm started itching real bad turned red, my hand went numb and little white bubbles started popping up on some of my fingers. it really freaked me out.