ATS for BC


New Member
Posiden: Glad to hear that your scrubber is coming along. My nitrates show 5 maybe 10 at the highest unil I do a water change then it 0 for about 1 day then 5 again. Sometimes I do 2 water changes in a week. I am sick of the diatoms on the sand and all the green algaes growning on my rock. I am going shopping for the supplies that I need this weekend. I will post pics when I get it going.


New Member
No my husband got called in to work so we didn't shop for the supplies yet.
I am hoping to go this week. I did go check out inland aquatic(the only place to buy pre-seeded screen) That place was awesome they have 50,000 gallons of saltwater in this place. It was unlike anything I have ever see and they built all there tanks and it all run with only algae turf scrubber for the filtration. I can't wait to go back. I did take a few pics. I will post some later.
But here is one of a mushroom I bought for 6.99.


New Member
still waiting to get the supplies....My husband is going to be helping me build this and he is working on a job for his brother(outside his regular job) so my hands are tied getting this started but I have been trying to rough draft a under the cabinet scrubber (I really dont want a scrubber above the tank). I have no idea on how to make the flow right to and from the scrubber. I think my husband can figure it out since he knows plumbing. He was throwing around this idea of using a eductor.I am thinking oh that sound kind of scary. Im just worried about the water level staying where it needs to be.
I hate waiting


Active Member
Well if you build this under the tank then you might as well turn it into a sump. Probably the easiest way is to put an overflow box on the back of the tank. You will have to cut the back of the hood tho. You could take a chance and drill the back of the tank so you wont have to cut the hood.
As to what you can fit under the tank in the stand.......I am not to sure. There isn't enough room under my 29 to fit a standard ten. That's why I built mine in the middle chamber. If you make a sump or have one built then you could build a pretty tall unit to get more volume. I would not put in anything like sand or rock, just water.
In doing this^^^^you would have to flood the rear chambers and run the water level almost equal to the display. Your evap will be noticed in the sump, so that will be where your topping off water will be added. You will be able to put your heater down there, as well as any other goodies you like to use ie..carbon ect.
Depending on how you plumb this you will need at least one more pump to get the water out of the sump and back to the display. The good news is that for your 14 gallon Bio Cube you will not need to pump any real large amounts of water.
I don't see any benefits of using an Eductor. That is not what they are designed for.
I hope this helps a little bit.


New Member
Thanks Posiden
I really appreciate all the advice you have given me. Hopefully I will get this going soon. I'll give updates when I have any.


New Member
I found some acrylic peices that a local hardware store gave me. I might just try to build the box myself. If I can find the tools. I have enough acrylic to make 4 so if I screw up it will be ok.


Active Member
You have enough for 4 different boxes? Or you have enough for 4 different scrubber screens?


New Member
Boxes. It maybe to flimsy its not very thick, and I couldn't find he right tools to cut with. I know we have lots and lots of tools in the garage but I just have no idea where there at.


New Member
I thinking about the nano scrubber that santa monica put on his thread.
What do you think? I really didn't want an above the tank but i I can paint it black so that it matches and can't see the algae screen threw it. It might be ok


Active Member
I myself like the idea. Since you are the lucky one with hinges on your lid. It could pose a small challenge for you. You could mount it to the wall and plumb it in and out of the tank that way. Just an idea. I would hate for you to loose the nice access. It might make you curse the scrubber.LOL
Ya know you might be able to accomplish this with a Tupperware container of some sort. Your tank being 14 gallons it might be easier to use a ready made container.


New Member
He thought he was going to be done Sunday with the plans for the house he is working on til he found out that something had to be change so its back to the drawing board. So no scrubber yet. But I do have some good news a co-worker of his sold us a 75 gallon tank with stand 2 eheim filters 2 magnum filters uv sterilezer 250 watt heater plus nets supplies for the filters hydrometer and salt for $100. There is a single light but will need to upgrade the lights. Will be awhile before we start on that. I am thinking about making some base rock for that tank. I bought some coral skeletons from them to nice size peices. Not sure what I am gonna do with them maybe use 2 in the tank. I will post some pic soon.