Attaching coral


New Member
Ive been reading alot of threads that mention folks using super glue to attach new coral to rocks in thier tanks.I must have been living in a cave,I didnt know you could do this.........wont it affect your water in the tank? If folks out there have done this let me know what type of glue that you use (name brand,etc)I have a few corals that I would like to secure in place in my tank. Thanks


Active Member
Well I never knew to use the marine type, I always thought is was the regular type and have used that a few times. I never used it underwater, so that is probably where the marine gel comes into play. Also, it (the regular type) does not work well with softies.

nm reef

Active Member
Just your normal everyday super glue gel works just fine...I use loctite brand myself....along with the two part marine epoxy(kind of clay like) fine for me.


I use a glue called Zap! and its pretty much like superglue. Just add some glue to a rock attach the coral then dip it in SW every few seconds to keep the flue from burning it.


New Member
Would I be able to glue the small rocks some corals come on to the live rock in the tank with the super glue?