Attaching Duncan to Rock?


I have a Duncan coral in my 90g tank and it is currently just sitting in a rock.
Will it ever attach to the rock itself?
If it will I will leave it, but otherwise can they be glued down?


Originally Posted by Ashleigh234
I have a Duncan coral in my 90g tank and it is currently just sitting in a rock.
Will it ever attach to the rock itself?
If it will I will leave it, but otherwise can they be glued down?
Firstly, Duncan Coral is NOT an SPS. I just want to clarify that, it's an LPS.
Anyways, it should eventually attach but it may take a very long time for it to do so. You can also just glue the base where you want it with some marine gel glue or marine epoxy.


Sorry someone else had posted a Duncan question under SPS so didnt even click I was in the wrong one, just saw Duncan and it reminded me I wanted to ask :)
I will leave it where it is for the time being and see if I have any luck, if in a few months its a no go I will look at gluing it down.
Thanks for your help
I suggest glueing it. I have one that was in one place for two months and grew three new heads, but never attached to the rock it was on. I wouldn't risk someone knocking it over and getting lost behind some rock


I will probably look at glueing it at some stage in the near future, but I am wanting to re-aquascape at some stage so will be buying some live rock (not sure if i can do a whole lot at once or if i have to buy piece by piece at this stage) so would rather wait until this is done to avoid damage