attachment required?


hi everyone,
i just bought a finger leather that has fallen off of its original rock. the bottom looks like fluffy yucky stuff. do i need to reattach it myself for it to survive? or can i just place it on some rock in the tank for it to reattach itself? its so beautiful, i don't want it to die...
thanks for your suggestions!


i'm afraid i can't get a pic of it. it looks like the fluffy white part of a scrambled egg. however, it looks like the body of the leather, so i don't think its mold. but do you think it could be some sort of infection? its not looking good since it tore from the rock (which is my fault, i was trying to find the perfect spot for it in the tank). should i superglue it back on and see what happens? or maybe it will just attach itself and be happy again?