Attack Galaxy.......


I have a Galaxy coral I bought about 1 1/2 years ago and it has grown into a sweeper machine. A week or so ago I had to pull a sweeper out of my Toad stool , so I moved it lower. They yesterday I had to pull a sweeper out of my buttons. It killed two of them and the toad stool lived. So now it sits on the bottom in the sand. I think I'll have to trade it , it's to large for my 75 gal . tank now, it's about the size of half a soft ball. Or if you guys have any I deas I'm listening.


galaxy are one of the more aggressive corals out there, i really liked the look of them but after asking questions i decided not to get one.


It seems that the larger they get the more aggersive it gets. Sweeper are out most of the day. I'd hate to see it at night.