Attack Of Scooter!!!


Actually, I love the scooter blennies/dragonettes, but certainly do not want to make them starve slowly. If I had a 38 gallon, with AT LEAST 1 lb. / gallon AND a CPR aquafuge for pod growth, is that still not enough pod production, and it will just "prolonge" its starvation, or is it feasible?
Again, I just wanted to know if its realistic, if its not, then I would rather make a different fish selection, than starve an excellent specimen! Thanks.


Active Member
I do not think it will work. The LR in the tank and the fuge will not be able to supply enough pods.


Thank you for responding Viper. Better safe than sorry. I figured since I have heard "rules" saying around 100 lbs. LR / dragonette in a well matured tank.


New Member
Maybe I've just been lucky but I have a 55 gal. tank with under 100lbs of lr and up until about 3 weeks ago no fuge and have been very successful with 2 (male and female) scooter blennies. I've had them for almost a year and every night without fail they do their courting swim. Both had sunken stomachs when I bought them but are now very broad across the back and have very fat stomachs. I think the main thing is to just watch them closely to make sure they're filling out.