Attack of the killer Brittle Star


I have a huge green brittle star. This thing has been eating everything it can. it has killed a blue hippo tang, a small domino damsel and now its trying to kill my tongue plate coral! Has anybody experienced this before???


I haven't personally had this happen but I've heard it's common for the green brittle stars to do that. Either get rid of it or spot feed it to keep it from attacking other fish.


Active Member
We had to remove our green brittle star because it was eating our smaller fish. They tend to be nocturnal, so after lights out, try and coax him out with a piece of raw shrimp then scoop him out with a net and take him back to your LFS... his fish eating behavior isn't likely to stop.


I believe he will be at the lfs tonight! This thing has gotten huge. His legs are probably 8 inches long!


Active Member
hehe munching on coral. eating all the fish in the tank.. and they say this thing is reef safe on this site.