attatch flex hose with?


need some help, what do I attatch flex hose to bulkhead with? lfs said pvc glue. What if it ever needs chaging, you whould have to cut apart blulkhead to remove.? also does flex hose get glued into top of wet dry filter lid.
Thanks for the help I want to get this right.
Just setting up 54 gal corner tank w/ of
wet /dry filter


thanks, just wanted to hear from an experienced person, i like to check on the bb before i do anytthing stupid, you all are a great help. thanks
I'll get this glued and get the water in today, finally


Active Member
You do not have to glue it - I would recommend not doing so.
Just get some PVC fittings, either male or female depending on the bulkhead, use solvent ends and pvc glue to attach fitting to both the bulkhead and the trickle plate connection.
Then use the appropriate flexible hose with a pvc pipe CLAMPED to the hose. Slip the pipe stub into the fitting and clamp it.
This way you can make changes and take it apart later on.
Confused - let me know I can show you a pic.


broomer5 do you have another method for the overflow bulkhead or do you agree I should glue it here?
thanks broomer5, that makes sense to me, off to home depot shortly, appreciate all your help on the bb