Active Member
I ordered this RO unit from this site a few days ago and it came in today. I put the osmosis membrane into the membrane houseing chamber and made sure every tube was secure. I hooked up the unit to a hose outside and turned it on. At first the RO water was coming out at a very fast rate and the waste water was just a fast drip. Some time went by (maybe 1/2 hour) and the RO water was coming out in just a small drip now instead of a hard steady stream. I figured this was normal so I let it keep running. I went outside to check the progress and the hose now has these large buldges that cover about 10 inches of the hose near the end connected to the unit. This makes me think that there is something blocking the water flow within the unit. This would explain the decrease in speed of the RO water and the buldges in the hose. Can anyone help me? I have no clue whats going on.
Right now I have the hose turned off and disconnected from the unit.