Attention all South Floridians


Active Member
Anyone interested in meeting, to trade or swap or split an order of fish ,corals, or anything else you may need, we can have it at a location that suits everyone, or I can host it at my house, I live in Coral Springs,If you are interested or have things to sell , Email me at, Please do not post any items with prices here or this post may be deleted, :)


Im definitely in. Come on guys! Anyone that is interested and lives in south or central florida post where you are from and maybe we can all work something out. Lets get this show on the road!


hello all south florida reefers... i am interested in getting tinvolved with the reefers club.. I wanted to know when you guys are meeting and tell you that i live near coconut grove. Also what stores do you guys visit. thanks and have a great day. Also do you have any cool zoos or shrooms?


Active Member
man plum, if i was in s. fl i would definately be there, but alas, i am in colorado, and have no cash to head that way, although i am looking at grad school down that way so maybe in the future! who knows
good luck


Active Member
Where is coconut grove? I live in Coral Springs,
also Orlando is not south florida, but I will be there soon too, :)
I have found many good places in south florida Email me at and ill give you the list and my experience with them


You guys should plan a dive trip to the keys. Then come back with hand cuaght fish. Hey its no different then getting from a store, exept some times they drug the fish. Pesonaly i trust my self better then the ppl that catch them for the fish stores. And when they put drugs in the water it kills reef.


Del ray beach south of west palm has a good reef. But they drege the shalow reef.:mad: Just think of all that reef they kill


Dreging a beach is when they bring sand from the deep and put it were its shalow. So that your first step in isnt a deep step.(helps with little kids)I think they should move the rock first.