Attention Squidd!


Can I put a ball valve in the PVC pipe going to my sump? Also check out my picture and tell me what u think about my sump set up.


Active Member
oh man, where's the overflow? You can put any valve in your sump as long as there'a no metal.


Active Member
Yes, it's the overflow that controls how much water comes out of your tank...and how much stays in...
It should be rated high enough to handle anything the return pump can "push" to the tank and a little "extra" for safty...
It cant "take out" more than the pump can put in so there is NO reason to put a valve on the overflow or "drain" side of the tank...If the pump stops running, the overflow will drain down to a "preset" level and stop...


Active Member
I am not Squidd, but I have been doing this a while.
OK, couple of things:
First, I would get rid of the mantis shrimp (cool drawing BTW)
Next, I have basically the same setup in mine. Just that I don't have the baffles between the cump chamber and the fuge. No real need IMO. Many advocate having a seperate inlet to the fuge for unskimmed water, but as long as your skimmer pump has a lower flow rate than your intake, unskimmed water will make it in there just fine.
Use a PVC ball valve and you will be fine. I'd also add one on the return line. Not really needed, but nice when cleaning the pump so you don't have to lower the tank volume.
Overall a good design.


Active Member
BTW...I do have one on my overflow/drain line...and I have never...ever...ever...had to use it...
So, I'm thinking...what a waste of a valve.... :notsure:


Ah I see now im just going to buy the ball valve for a precaution, this will be my setup for my peacock mantis tank.. :)


Active Member
Originally Posted by wocka1
Ah I see now im just going to buy the ball valve for a precaution, this will be my setup for my peacock mantis tank.. :)
Ahhhh, so you WANTED the mantis shrimp in there. Post pics of it when done. They are very beautiful long as they are in someone elses tank!


Active Member
Originally Posted by wocka1
Why do I need an overflow if my tank has a drilled 1" bulkhead on the top back of my tank?

The flow your going to see from that "drilled 1" bulkhead" is going to be about 150 gph..That is if the mantis doesn't decide to take a break on the screen.
My suggestion is to go look at a few tank with overflows, see how they work and then looak at a few tank with just the back being drilled... its like night and day.


Active Member
If the tank is already drilled for the 1" in the upper back yu may want to look into a "Weir" style overflow to increase surface edge to skim water (as opposed to the 1" across front of bulkhead) and the ability to "set" tank water height higher than the the bulkhead will allow...
Overflow will fill with water (surface skim) and then the full 1" opening of the bulkhead can be used rather than being cut down by screen and only "partially" filling pipe...


Sounds reasonable to me, do I have to buy one or can i make one, got any DIY pics on how to make it?