Attentions All Dwarf Angel Owners


Active Member
I am trying to figure out which dwarf angel to get so I want to know everyones experience who has kept one in a REEF. please reef experiences only. please list the type of angel it was and if it picked at your corals. also its temperment would be great. My tank is a 125 reef and stocklist is
true percs
dejardini tang
lieutenant tang
male blue throat trigger
fish will be added in that order and I have all fish up to the jawfish. thanks in advance


I had a flame angel and never nipped or even touchedmy corals. And what part of mass do you live in?


Active Member
I have a coral beauty that I have owned since 2004. I got it off of E..., the auction house. I have a 125g reef tank with many, many corals, including crocea clams. Honestly, this fish has been great, only seems to pick at my kenya tree.....I don't really care about this because the kenya multiplies so quickly anyway. I have never seen it strip the coral, or break any branches off, just goes up to it and nips, then swims away. Has completely left all other corals alone.
It is a bully though to any new additions to the tank. This fish is tough, and is a great addition to my tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Anonome
I have a coral beauty that I have owned since 2004. I got it off of E..., the auction house. I have a 125g reef tank with many, many corals, including crocea clams. Honestly, this fish has been great, only seems to pick at my kenya tree.....I don't really care about this because the kenya multiplies so quickly anyway. I have never seen it strip the coral, or break any branches off, just goes up to it and nips, then swims away. Has completely left all other corals alone.
It is a bully though to any new additions to the tank. This fish is tough, and is a great addition to my tank.
do you think one would bully 2 tangs and a trigger?


I have a Potters and an African Flame back in the same tank and Botha are citizens in my tank and have never even looked at the corals unless there was algea near them. They never pick on anyone and if anything my tang would chase them around.


Active Member
i hv a flame in my 72 reef. doesnt bother anything at all. i also hv a coral beauty in my fowlr. it also doesnt bother anything except a few xenia there and there.


Active Member
had a eibli. nipped at corals, didn't kill anything or spend too much time in any one place but kept some zoanthid closed more than I like. temperament was fine to all the previous residents. he didn't take no mess from day one even though he was smaller. harrassed newcomers that came in its vacinity with vigor.


Active Member
Thanks for the info everyone. Wolf Man I am just outside springfield near the CT border
Right now the flame and potters are my favorite. How difficult are the potters to keep? Whats difficult about them?


Getting to eat is the only hard part about them. I was lucky and my LFS had 3 of them and i got 2 to eat. I still have both of them.


Active Member
Can never say for sure. Mine has been established for many years, and owns the tank per say. So if I try to introduce any new fish, it pesters them for a few days, then leaves them alone. I added a yellow tang about a year ago, and it did that for about 2 days, then everything was fine, and has been fine. It really depends on the temperment of the new fish being added. If they are not shy, but stand up to the coral beauty, it tends to go better.
If you are intending on adding these fish relatively soon after the beauty, not years later, you should be fine. My fish is the dominate one in the tank. I have tangs also, but the beauty is king.
I honestly wouldn't have it any other way. I think it is a great fish.
Just because mine acts this way doesn't necessarily mean yours will.


I had a Cherub and it picked at my corals and kept knocking everything over. I have a bluefin angel and it is doing pretty good. It just picks at the rocks. I had my LFS order me a Coral Beauty and it came in with popeye so I brought home the bluefin instead. So far so good.


I have 2 dwarf angels in my 90g reef. A Coral Beauty and an Eibli. They both have picked on my corals but not much at all not even enough to damage my corals. I also have a Marine Betta who is boss. My YT is tough and is bothered by no one. Marine Betta bosses the angels around. The Eibli is at the bottom of the chain. The Coral Beauty cracks me up because I think he thinks he is the boss. When he wanders into Marine Betta territory he quickly gets reminded whats really going on.


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I have a Coral Beauty that thus far is not bugging the few corals I have, they have loads of personality and are always out front, unlike some of the more shy Dwarfs that stay in the rocks...Definately no LPS corals though.
BTW, I know typically we say to put Triggers in last, but not the case with the Bluejaws...I would put him in before the Angel or the Tangs, Bluejaws do much better when introduced without potential aggressors....The Tangs will likely be aggressive to any new fish once they get settled in.


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We have a Whitetailed Pygmy (Centropyge flavicauda) in a reef. Nicknamed "Full Throttle" as he loves zooming around the tank. Going a bit over a year, no problems. I had a Potter's in my 125 for about a month and he never touched anything.
Agreed with what KJR said, and I'd also go as far as adding the Blue Jaw first, depending on how big of one you get.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AquaKnight
We have a Whitetailed Pygmy (Centropyge flavicauda
) in a reef. Nicknamed "Full Throttle" as he loves zooming around the tank. Going a bit over a year, no problems. I had a Potter's in my 125 for about a month and he never touched anything.
Agreed with what KJR said, and I'd also go as far as adding the Blue Jaw first, depending on how big of one you get.
what happened to the potters? blue jaw first huh? And yes I was planning on getting all my tangs and trigger very small.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Kevin34
what happened to the potters? blue jaw first huh? And yes I was planning on getting all my tangs and trigger very small.
That is a bit incorrect. I had that Potter's for about 2 months. 1 month in QT and doing great, the 2nd month he was added to my display and never really adjusted.
I actually had 2, I tried to make a pair out of. The big one was the one that lasted 2 months, the little one only lasted 2 weeks, never took to prepared foods. They got along great, just never came around.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AquaKnight
That is a bit incorrect. I had that Potter's for about 2 months. 1 month in QT and doing great, the 2nd month he was added to my display and never really adjusted.
I actually had 2, I tried to make a pair out of. The big one was the one that lasted 2 months, the little one only lasted 2 weeks, never took to prepared foods. They got along great, just never came around.

so I am guessing their care is along the lines of a leopard wrasse? getting them to eat is the hard part? not so much disease?