ATTN: Overanalyzer


Active Member
the mushroom is in the process of splitting- the zooanthids have a couple of the orange center w/ purple rim- like the ones in this pic


Active Member
Man I wish I would've seen these earlier .... they rock!! I am having issues getting an e-mail or PM sent your way. Though I've senthte PM twice through fisheads!


"j21kickster" I am definatly interested in those cool zoos. What is that just to the right of the the xenia in the pictures? I would like to do a little trading or purchasing of frags. Please email me at "Buddah73@aol"


Active Member
Damn guys I'm jealouse. We can't zoos near that quality out here. 16 months and I'll be back in KS again though.


Active Member

Originally posted by DINHOUSE
"Over" Dont forget about the guy that gave you that great deal on that tank!! LOL

Not a problem!! Especially if you are willing to drive and pick 'em up!!!