I recently removed all the cc and decorative dyed coral out of my tank to give it a more natural look. My question is, I have sand at the bottom of the tank now but nothing else is in the tank for the moment. What can I use for the puffer(mapp) to chew on so he can file down his teeth I don't want the problem of his teeth over growing.
I did put one of the decorative corals back into the tank would this be sufficient or should I add something else?
I haven't put my live rock into the tank yet because I'm in the middle of hyposalinity. I have about two more weeks before I add any lr or ls. What can I do in the meantime?


Active Member
Both above will work. A few pieces of base rock will give it something to chew on if it wants to do so. Once the tank is back to correct salinity some live rock will keep it happy. Also even a few small snails will work just one at a time till you see if it chews on them. They will not live long in low salinity so that is why I say one to start till you see what the Puff does. Try to get some tetra min tablets and you can give it a few each day to munch on.