Attn: Saltfisher


Active Member
My LFS just got a 10" Yellow Head Moray. I really want him to fill my empty tank. Can you give me any insight to thier behavior, temperment, etc.? Do you still have yours? How much did you get him for? You can e-mail if you prefer. Thanks- Da Guzzla


My bad....I havent been on. To be honest, I was considering getting rid of my moray this week. It's too aggressive during feeding. It literally grabs my fish and pulls them down under the rock you see in the pic. That's its place. He had one of my Triggers yesterday and I did not think it was going to let go. Great looking Moray. Does not try to escape, and pretty calm until feeding. Mine has doubled in size since I had it. It's about 13" now. I got him for $59.


Active Member
Thanks. I was looking for a good aggresive moray. Those types of things really appeal to me. The cost on this one is $60. Hes about 12" and eats VORACIOUSLY! The guy doesnt know much about them and I have never seen one for sale either up here so I thought I would see if its what I wanted. He will be in a tank all by himself so the more aggresive the better! Thanks for the info.