ATTN: Sharks


Can you do something about the obnoxious name calling on this board? We may not all be adults here, but we should act like them when replying. The old saying is, "If you don't have something nice to say, don't say it."
I do understand disageements, but slander, come on. I joined this board to learn and share with the intentions that, that is was what is was for.
Remember Mr. Tang? Maybee similar action should be taken.


Active Member
Can you please be more specific. The moderators are responsible for different forums, there are a lot of posts to read, and I'm sure things slip by. What forum and post are your referring to?
I agree with you and would be glad to look into whatever you have found offensive.


Here are just 2 to start. They are both in the agressive forum (hmmm)
Another one bites the dust.
I'm sure theres more, but these are just on the the top of my head.
Member 4802 seems to be the catalyst.


Active Member
Thanks Jester,
I don't swim in the aggressive forum too much.
I feel moderator risc handled the dolphin post just fine.
The other one you mentioned started out okay, and I see what you mean where it got ugly.
I attempted to edit out the name calling, but there was too much, so I deleted the topic.
I apologize for having to so do.
Moderators and members alike are very tolerant to much of what people say here, but when a post reaches a certain point of childish name calling exchanges, it serves no purpose here.
Direct insulting name calling, offensive language and "flaming" in general is not appropriate on this board.

mr . salty

Active Member
This has long been considered one of the only 'FLAME PROOF'BB's on the net.And we try as hard as we can to keep it that way.But as Broomer mebtioned"there are alot of posts here",and we can't read them all....Flaming,Namecalling,Plaigerism(sp?)and threats will NOT BE TOLLERATED here...If needed,feel free to email any of the sharks that have thier emil addresse posted to point these offensive/abbusive threads out....Any and all help is GREATLY apprecialted(sp?again)


Thanks, I appreciate it!
The older schoolage children I watch love reading this site to find out things for our tank we'll be setting up soon. They don't need to see this and they also don't need to read about people just being generally mean to eachother while discussing their opinions- no matter how contriversial. It makes them afraid to ask questions.
I've seen a few, mut not many name bashings on this site as well. Can't name specific ones off hand though. However, they are FAR LESS than on other sites, I can't complain! It's just nice to have people looking out for this stuff to make it safe for all ages to learn.
We think this is the best BB out there and hope it remains that way!
We thank you!


Active Member
I just want to take a second to say 1 thing:
Thank You!

All you sharks do a great job. This is a top notch board with plenty of traffic. A shark's job is not an easy one I'm sure, but you all do a great job!
Thanks for keeping this board a great place to hang out.