Auction Site Nano


I was looking around that auction site and found a 12g Nano, complete set-up for $400. "Wow," I thought. "Pretty okay, I think!" So I lookd at the stocking list.
1 Maroon Clown
1 Yellow Tang
Needless to say, I immediately skipped it


Active Member
Fish or no fish its still over priced....especially if you had to figure in any kind of shiping charges and then the issue of shipping the typical JBJ Nano or Aqua POds is an iffy proposition itself due to their propensity to arbitrarily crack for no known reasons....If your looking for such a setup buy it local from a reputable lfs or order online from a reputable source.


Originally Posted by HappyVac
I was looking around that auction site and found a 12g Nano, complete set-up for $400. "Wow," I thought. "Pretty okay, I think!" So I lookd at the stocking list.
1 Maroon Clown
1 Yellow Tang
Needless to say, I immediately skipped it



I saw that auction myself and as soon as I got to the part about the maroon and the tang I about died!
Not that it makes it any better, but at least I hope they didn't know any better!