Auction site


Hi , I know this site is new however it is lacking. I like the way we used to do things . Bring back the old days.


I agree. It does not seem like the new auction site is a hit with anyone. Theres only a few things for sale now. The old way there were a few new things everyday.


cause they relize nobody likes it and dont care cause it is easier for them


Active Member
I just wish it was back to the regular days! I need to unload and Mushroom rock and a big frrrogspawn but I dont want to pay those fees etc...


Originally Posted by rebelprettyboy
I just wish it was back to the regular days! I need to unload and Mushroom rock and a big frrrogspawn but I dont want to pay those fees etc...
How big of a frogspawn do you have and how much do you want for it, pm me and let me know.


Originally Posted by rebelprettyboy
I just wish it was back to the regular days! I need to unload and Mushroom rock and a big frrrogspawn but I dont want to pay those fees etc...
Nice there really gonna like this on here


i think they are just wasting money for servers for a service that seems like a big flop.. aka swa


Saltwaterfish? Why not just charge a premium member fee and only allow those individuals to be able to sell in the forums? I am sure you would get a good turn out for that than the auction? This site is free but others charge a supporting fee which allows to have more options as a forum member too! This would generate revenue to be able to put back into improving the forums and your "pocket"......
OK retailers are one thing selling on the forums and scammers too. This hurts the honest people that sell frags just to make up to put back in their tanks. Do you honestly think this would keep the scammers and retailers away? Or is a sure way you will see profit not matter what? Who really wins here? Educated people know for a fact that if a retailer wants to make some money it won't kill them to list on another auction site, most of them list on the "BIG" auction site too. Their mark up is high enough to absorb the cost of the auction! This won't stop them but it will allow a profit to be made by this site? Hmm.....
Either way its OK, I hope the site goes well but I think the way it was introduced leaves a bit to be desired.
Most other boards charge a hefty sponsor fee if you catch retailers posting in the classifieds. I guess its hard to charge a sponsor fee when this board is actually a retailer owned forum. Other boards are stand alone. I guess that wouldn't work????
I think the premium member is the way to go but that is just my opinion and that is all we have, opinions!!!!!