Auqafuge Help


Ok i have a auqafuge hanging on the side of my 120 do i need to blackout the side of my tank, What hours should i keep the light on for, is there anything else i should know.
Thank You


well yes - obviously the light will shine through - it would prob. look pretty ugly if you painted the side of the tank - maybe cut a black posterboard from a crafts store?


Active Member
Probably no ones know because they don't use hang on refuge. on such a large tank. 50 gallon refuge under the tank is more like it.


Active Member
i have 2. use a black plastic-specific paint on the tank facing side. there is spillover light into the tank still, but it's nothing big. or you could paint the back of your tank instead.


Active Member
Originally Posted by miamishrip
paint the back of the fuge black maybe?
I have a hang-on aquafuge wit p/s i have it filled with miracle mudd and Millions of pods and Chaeto and bristle and flat worms, I run it exactly with my display tank on a timer, i dont run it counter, I have NO significant drop in PH but i heard running it counter will stableize the PH better, but have no problems with PH and i have mine running about a year now, it is the best addition to my tank i ever bought!