Aussie or Indo Harlequin Tuskfish?

scu ba

Does anyone know the difference between the two or have pictures of the two? I have been searching this site along with the internet and still have not got good identification of the two. :notsure:
Thanks in advance!!


i think its the aussie that is more hardier so i would go with the most hardy


It is commonly professed that Aussie Harlequins are hardier and have a more striking coloration. Aussies have a brighter hue of blue, making their Indo counterparts seem muted or dull in color by comparison.
Check the borders of the stripes and the "snout" of the fish; if you see a striking bright blue (similar to the color of a powder blue tang), then you probably have an Aussie specimen.

shark bait

The indo is lighter in color and will not always have the red teeth of the australian counter part. also the collection of the indo tusk may have been by a violent form, and i have seen some of these fish refuse to eat and hide in the corner of the tank. Also it is rare to find a small australian tusk in the trade so take a second look if you see one under 5" and under $80 as it is more than likley not australian. And do not belive the LFS if they say other wise, as I have seen a LFS try to sell an indo of 3" as a baby australian, and I visualy was able to tell it was not. This is an awsome fish, and a longer QT time is needed as this fish is subject to high stress. I give it a 4 of 5 for being hardy, and a 3 for the indo as not recomended.

scu ba

My LFS has a 3"-4" for $99 and of course says it is a Aussie, but the colors on the tuskfish are awesome. It is also been there for 3 weeks and eats real good. Would you get it or does anyone know where to get one online I can trust? Thanks


At this point we are all supposd to say that SWF is a great online place to get one. :cheer:
I can't recommend any other online sites in regards to this fish. I don't have one, and never ordered one online.
hijacking the thread: has anyone kept one in a reef tank?


Active Member know an aussie compared to Indo when you see them.there is no comparison...lots of blue and red on the aussie.The indos are more gold.
Here was mine...gorgeous fish,and yes in a reef. He was just too big for my tank.


shark bait

I knew that, duh. must have been thinking of something else.