Australian Scrub Python


Staff member
Isn't there enough real crime going on in the USA and real criminals to go after, without going all out to screw over law abiding, hard working people? Guess not.
I think what happens is that these guys have to have a prosecution quota or something or they loose their jobs.


Active Member
I have no desire to stay in a state that will bend/break rules, to convict someone of a crime they didn't commit. If there was ever any doubt of the repurcusions, they shouldn't have issued me the permits, from the beginning. It wasn't like this was something where you go sign a few papers and ta-da, here are your permits. It took over a year, with background checks, home visits, interviews, etc.
Oh well...what's done is done. The only thing I can do is take the smack on the wrist and move on. I have some great Reticulated Pythons pairings, that will be breeding next season, that are worth a crazy amount of money. Profits from those will pay off debts and get me further into breeding. lol


Active Member
Originally Posted by AW2x3
I have no desire to stay in a state that will bend/break rules, to convict someone of a crime they didn't commit. If there was ever any doubt of the repurcusions, they shouldn't have issued me the permits, from the beginning. It wasn't like this was something where you go sign a few papers and ta-da, here are your permits. It took over a year, with background checks, home visits, interviews, etc.
Oh well...what's done is done. The only thing I can do is take the smack on the wrist and move on. I have some great Reticulated Pythons pairings, that will be breeding next season, that are worth a crazy amount of money. Profits from those will pay off debts and get me further into breeding. lol
holy crap, so they mysteriously recinded the permits, without informing you, then went after you for not having permits? Did the snakes die? And you still owe me a picture of a 15 foot snake's snake poop! So who did you tick off whose friend was the DA?

florida joe

Well-Known Member
beautiful snake
BTW I just feed my juvenile corn snake 5 inch . I had to take him out of the tank first to clean it and my hands are still shaking


Staff member
I didn't know you had a snake.
Well I just found a local source for frozen food! So, I'm going to start trying this as soon as my ball pythons start to feed again. Apparently a lot of balls went off feed this winter. Just order an 18" hemostat. I doubt they will go for frozen, but I don't keep prey and when they go off feed like the past few mos, it becomes a real pain trying to figure out when they bloody well want to eat.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by florida joe
beautiful snake
BTW I just feed my juvenile corn snake 5 inch . I had to take him out of the tank first to clean it and my hands are still shaking

Are you sure that isn't just age setting in?


Active Member
Originally Posted by florida joe
beautiful snake
BTW I just feed my juvenile corn snake 5 inch . I had to take him out of the tank first to clean it and my hands are still shaking

I'm planing on feeding tonight...I'll get some pics, if you want. You thought your hands were shaking then, try having a 200lb snake snatch numerous 12lb rabbits out of your bare hands. Lol
Everyone else eats at least 3lb rabbits, besides the babies, who are on various sized rats.
Beth, good luck with getting your ball pythons on frozen. That can be so difficult, I've seen people sell off entire collections of ball pythons. It's one of the reasons I don't keep them. You could scent a turd with rabbit and my retics would already be swallowing it, before they knew what it was. Retics feeding response is definately something to respect. The minute you don't, a big retic will turn your hand into shredded hamburger, thinking it's food.


Staff member
I actually don't worry about them not eating. They are in excellent shape, good weight, and can loose some weight without a problem when they go off feed for long periods, I just hate trying to guess when they do get hungry, and then end up taking care of live prey for weeks on end. I just returned a rat to the pet shop, and found out that they can get frozen. I doubt they will eat it though....too spoiled for too long.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
OK guys and girls i admit i know less then nothing about snakes but i heard you can soak frozen food in chicken broth to get them to eat fact or fiction


Active Member
Originally Posted by florida joe
OK guys and girls i admit i know less then nothing about snakes but i heard you can soak frozen food in chicken broth to get them to eat fact or fiction
I've never heard of that.
Alot of people have problems getting snakes to switch from rats to rabbits or from mice to rats, etc...the best way to get past that is called "scenting". If they're used to eating mice and you want them to eat rats, you take a dead mouse and rub it all over the rat, giving it the scent of a mouse. I know some guys who have switched Green Tree Pythons from baby chicks over to rats, by rubbing the baby chicks onto a pre killed rat, giving it the scent of chicks.
It usually only takes a few times of doing that, before they'll switch with no problems.
With Retics, if they've had it once, they'll take it every time. Retics are crazy, when it comes to eating. I have one that'll catch a 5lb rabbit in mid air...never letting it hit the floor of her enclosure. If my Retics are of size, they've taken rats, rabbits and even makes it much easier to feed, say in the winter time when you're local rabbit breeder has fewer stock.
Beth, do you still have your big Burms?


Staff member
Originally Posted by florida joe
OK guys and girls i admit i know less then nothing about snakes but i heard you can soak frozen food in chicken broth to get them to eat fact or fiction
That never worked for me. My balls were as disgusted with that as I was.....

crypt keeper

Active Member
Beth how old are your snakes? I know a few guys posting over on consrtictors that have some feeding problems with their large retics due to breeding season. All they have on their mind is se-x. Most snakes breed over the winter. Most eggs are hatching now and will be in a few months. Tons of babies will be up for sale here in the next few months.


Staff member
I got them grown, and that was 12 years ago. My oldest is probably in his late teens at least.
I went to the BP forum, and apparently a lot of BP are off feed this year, presumably the cold winter? Though how they would know how cold it is beats me.