Auto top off

I am looking to put an auto top off on my tank. Does anyone have any suggestions on a commercial system or is there some type of DIY system I can put together?


Originally Posted by snookedsteve
I am looking to put an auto top off on my tank. Does anyone have any suggestions on a commercial system or is there some type of DIY system I can put together?
Both. There are some pump driven types and gravity fed types. Look though the archives. There are several old threads that might be of help while you wait for someone with experience to chime in.


Niveaumat Top Off Water Replacer
* Automatic water top-off system with peristaltic pump
* Versatile aquarium pump can also be used as a doser
* Fish plumbing controller features integrated float-switch and drip counter
Automatically top off evaporated aquarium water. Precision peristaltic pump with integrated float-switch activates when aquarium water drops below the set level. Water drawn from a reservoir (not included) refills your aquarium. Unit can also be used as a doser. Flows 3 L/H (approx. 3/4 gph), using 4.5 watts. Includes 12 volt adaptor, mounting brackets, drip counter, intake strainer, 1/4" airling tubing, and spare Santoprene® pump hose.
Since all aquariums are closed systems, maintaining proper water levels can be a never-ending task. Your home's room temperature and relative humidity both cause the continual evaporation of water from your aquarium. The SP3000 Niveaumat alleviates this problem by automatically replenishing water into your aquarium from any reservoir you supply. It is an excellent addition to any system - especially in saltwater tanks where even the slightest evaporation could concentrate salinity into lethal levels. This pump is also great for controlling the distribution of medications over an extended period of time, as opposed to shocking your system with one large addition of necessary chemical additives. For fresh or saltwater aquariums.
Top Off Water Replacer at DR fxxxxx axx sxxxx
CD-25824 Niveaumat $110.49


Active Member
You can put an auto mated top off system together for under $30 cheaper if yu have a suitbale powerhead. Stay away from air pressurized setups as they are not good at shutting off and more times than not continue to dribble in water after the max height is filed and the amount dribbled varies with contents inthe container. A small Microjet powerhead can push water 27 inches and works just fine as a pump. A resivoir can be a simple rubber maid container or whatever you happen to have to use for a resivoir.
The parts required (2 float switches, relay and battery pack or wall wart, some wire and a piece of plexi for bracket can all be acquired for under $15-20) If yu go with the micro float switches a unit half the size of a pack of cigarettes or about 1" x 2" x 2" can be made that works as well as any high dollar factory made unit, with about an hour of your time.
Chipmaker can you explain how to build that. Or is there a thread that explains it. I am fairly mechanically inclined so I don't think it would be a problem. I have a spare 10g that I could use for a reservoir.


Active Member
If you use a one-way check valve it will prevent a back siphon from forming and it will also increase the max height that the pump can push the water.


I'd like to know how to build that too. For some reason, I am having a difficult time locating parts.