Auto Top Off


I have a 75 Gallon tank w/ refugium and sump. I am using metal halides for light which are cooled with fans. The combination of these fans and the heat causes much evaporation, so I decided to create an auto top off system. Nothing fancy, just a 20 gallon rubbermaid with an electronic float switch which activates a small pump.
This is all well and good. My question is this...Recently, I have began adding more corals to my tank, and my LFS has recomended dosing with Kalk. Can I add the kalk to the top off tank if I add a pump into the top off for water movement? This would keep the kalk mixed with the top off water. If so, can I also add my iodine to this mixture. I travel for a living, so this would really make life easier for me, and make my dosing more consistent.


Active Member
IMO, no. Kalk should be dosed at night, 1 to 2 drips per second. It is a solution that is high in alk. About 12 meg/l. It doesn't need to be dosed constanly. Unless you have a very high demand. I dose once or twice a week. I am trying to tweak in my doseing to keep up with demand.
It should be mixed at the rate of 1 teaspoon per gal in a closed container. Use the part that is mixed, not the scum on the bottom.
If you use a closed container you wont get the surface scum.
How long are you traveling for at one time? A week? that wouldn't be a problem. Even 2 weeks would be Ok if your demand is low.
Iodine in the top off I think is ok, but not sure. Maybe someone else could chime in.


If i have to travel during the week (which is very hit or miss) it is usually Monday to Thursday. Dosing has never really been a problem. I have been adding the two part calcium which my LFS said I should replace with kalk. But, if adding kalk the way you have described is the way to go, I guess this is a non issue. Any other chemicals I should be adding?