Auto topoff system


New Member
I wanted to create auto topoff system form my 30G tank. I just started it up (salt is mixing in it as we speak) My temp is at 77F and for now I don't have any lights on as wll as glass top that goes on it as well. I'm not loosing too much of water for now but I want to have top-off device once I use lights and glass cover. I don't have a sump so I would need something that would go strait into aquarium wia air hose or something like that. Also, it has to be below the tank so it can't be gravity driven.
If you have any plans for diy project or any sugestions for me, please post them on.
Thanks for the help.


a friend of mine and i have tried such a device and works rather well...
parts are
1 15gal tank
1 25watt heater
10 lbs of CC(for a ph buffer)
no lights or tops
1 50gph Ph
1 dark room timer..(very important to get correct timmer)
we placed it all below tank and he happens to have a sump...
this is for make up water so no salt is need
we have dark room timmer due to it haveing 0.01 min increments to time on. it does have a power outlet to let power on to what ever time we have it set for.. and we redid the power on swtich as to have it on the underside of cabinet lip near back.. one touch it refills systemm to right amount of top off water ever time...
a dark room timer can be found at a potograpy store.. just have to find a better pump for you for the head psi you will have....becarefull.. and have fun... we did :cool:


New Member
Thanks a lot for the plan. It is clear and straight to the point. I got one last question for you. what did you mean by:"have to find a better pump for you for the head psi you will have"
What exactly is a head psi and how did you connect everything up?
Once again thanks for the help.
[ May 15, 2001: Message edited by: cvrle1 ]


what i mean by better pump is that you should need a stronger pump..head psii is what is created by trying to pump water uppp a certian hight(suchh as 4ft from botoom of cabinet to topp of tank..)you will have to look at pumps flow rates on pagage too see how muchh flow decreases after going up to your tankk hieght.(ie. 50gph pump at 1 ft.goes down to 2 gph for 4 ft)
and also if this is for top off you do not want to add any salt to it..the sallt does not evaperate like the water does..have to watch it for overfilling too...


You can also substitute a float switch for the timer. That way, when the level goes down, it turns on the pump and pumps it back in. You can buy the float switch from most aquarium on-line stores for around $50.