auto topoff


What do you use for a storage tank for your auto topoff? I'm looking for ideas for a tank that I loose about 1.5 gallons a day to evaporation. Thanks


Has anyone ever tried a Nurce system?. I am going to try to set one up in the near future using a 2 gal gas can, airline tubing and PVC. from researching it on the web all I can see is that you need to keep it air tight.
I use a Tsunami float switch and a smallish rubbermaid trash can (a square shaped one that fits inside my stand). I plan on setting up a better system where it draws from a plastic trash can in my basement, eventually.


I am doing the same thing as zafirablanca pretty much. I am using a 20 gallon plastic tote with a lid. Got a float switch in the tank and it kicks the power head in the tote on every now and then to fill the tank. I also have a second tote that I prepair my water in once a week. I pump the water from the 2nd tote to the top off tote once a week before I make new water. Ater I set up an overflow and sump syster, I think I will route the top off to the sump instead of the tank. What do you guys think, leave it to the tank, or route it to the sump?


ok the drip method sounds good but seems like it would be hard to get the drip rate down right. I like the float system similar to a toilet set up i'm guesing (id like to see a pic of that)...but if the water is not cerculating and just sits in a tub then will the salt settle or the water go stagnant. and how dose the float cut the power head on please post pic


ok the drip method sounds good but seems like it would be hard to get the drip rate down right. I like the float system similar to a toilet set up i'm guesing (id like to see a pic of that)...but if the water is not cerculating and just sits in a tub then will the salt settle or the water go stagnant. and how dose the float cut the power head on please post pic


i use a 2,5gallon gas can thats hooked up to an airpump which is triggered by a diy floatswitch in the tank it works good for my 55 i just fill it up once a week or if i hear that its empty and just pumping out air. no powerhead to worry about buring up adn no drip rate to mess with. only problem ive had is a snail climbing up onto the float switch but it just emptys the gas can and water goes up to edge in the tank


I do not top off with saltwater, only freshwater. I prepair my water by running it from the tap to the prep tote, where I add my chemicals to nutrilize the water and my reef supplements. I then pump it into the top off tote with a normal sump pump. The float switch it built in line on a 15A three way extention cord (---- for right at 15 dollars) and it turns the pump in the top off tote on to top off the disply tank. I will be getting my camera back in a couple of days if you still want pix describing how I have it set up let me know.


Is there a specific number of "drops" per gallon?
I know my rate of evap. If I knew how many drops there were per gallon I could easily figure out my drip rate.



Originally posted by phipps
Is there a specific number of "drops" per gallon?
I know my rate of evap. If I knew how many drops there were per gallon I could easily figure out my drip rate.

Your rate of evaporation will change as the humidity in your house changes. My 45 on the average evaporates 5 gallons a week. My house for the most part stays around 45% to 55% relative humidity. Except in the winter where my humidity drops and sucks more water out of my tank. I need to increase the drops in the winter.
Anyways here's a pic of my top off system . I use a 5 gallon Jug from those water dispensers. I also use an Aqua Tune Doser which has some kind of diaphram in it that is not affected by the High PH or calcium of Kalkwasser.


I have central air. I would think that that would even out my evap rate, wouldn't it?
My evap rate has been pretty steady at right around 1/2 gallon per day.
Where did you get the doser? Do you have it hooked up to a float switch?



Originally posted by phipps
I have central air. I would think that that would even out my evap rate, wouldn't it?
My evap rate has been pretty steady at right around 1/2 gallon per day.
Where did you get the doser? Do you have it hooked up to a float switch?

Central air definitely helps in controlling your evap rate. Keep in mind that the air coming from your airhandler when your AC is on is almost 100% saturated. This means that your humidity is higher. Of course the air is cold so you wont notice the humidity as much.
Now when you are heating the air with a heat pump or electric heater it will dry the air out more. Especially with electric heat or a wood stove. When the air is dryer it will pull more water from your tank.
The Doser, well you can do a search on aquatune doser's and possibly find a vendor. I don’t have my doser hooked to a float switch even though it would be easy enough to do if I put a float switch in my reservoir. I have to fill that 5 gallon bottle once a week.



Originally posted by phipps
Do you just have the doser set at a certain rate or is it on some sort of timer?

Well I did a little bit of leg work to get your answers and here is what I have . I have the doser set to a certain rate .5 mil every 14 seconds. I also have this doser running 24/7. Now I didnt use any science to come up with this rate. I just adjusted the rate of drip to match what evaporates. It did take a while to get this number but that is what works for me. Since I dont use a sump under my tank (mine is above). I notice the evap rate more than others since my evaporation shows in my display.