

New Member
Does anyone know if a frozen shrimp autofeeder exists? I tried feeding my true percs dried pellets with no success. LMK...going on vacation soon and will need a solution.


Active Member
it wouldnt work, unless it had like a mini freezer on it, b/c the shrimp would all melt and get stuck to the sides


New Member
Yes...that makes a whole lotta sense. But what other option do i have. Do you think that maybe dried shrimp would work. We'll be gone for about 7 days and don't know if that'll be too long for them to go w/o food.


Active Member
If you have a friend or neighbor that could do it that woulb be best. You would need to have the food pre measured and put in to something like a pill box (sun - sat) and stuck back into the freezer. It would also be a good idea to leave out some gallon jugs of RO water for that person too do top offs as needed.